A day of work - Chapter 17

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Today it was an amazing morning. I woke up before Irie-kun and held Kotomi who had woken up. I went downstairs to see if oba-sama had started doing breakfast with Kotomi in my arms. I put her in the playing station on a corner of the kitchen where I could see her. I saw that Oba-samba had left some pancakes on the counter with a note saying that she was in the store buying food. After heating the pancakes, Yuki was also coming downstairs.

Yuki: Good morning Kotoko. You woke up looking more crazy than yesterday!

Kotoko: Yukiiii! That's not true !

Yuki: Sure is... anyway where is my brother?

Kotoko: Irie-kun is still sleeping, so I decided to come down and have breakfast. Plus Kotomi was already awake so one of us would have had to wake up.

Yuki: Mom left those pancakes for us right ??

Kotoko: Hai! How did you guess ??

Yuki: You can't cook , idiot. So it was obvious that mom did them.


Irie-kun: What is this ruckus ?

Kotoko: Oh Irie-kun did you wake up ?!

Irie-kun: With your screaming it was imposible to stay asleep... anyway why didn't you wake me up?

Kotoko: You were sleeping so peaceful that I di-
*Kotoko suddenly looks at Kotomi*

Irie-kun: Hellooo?? Earth to Kotoko ?? What are you loo-
*Irie-kun sees that Kotomi is trying to stand up but since she is still not strong enough she keeps falling*

Kotoko: Irie-kun!! She's trying to stand up and walk !!!😍🥺

Irie-kun: Yes ! 🥺

*Irie-kun and Kotoko get closer to Kotomi.
*They start taking pictures*

Yuki: Is this what having kids does to you ?! It's like watching someone being hipnotized!

Kotoko: Oh shush ! You'll understand once you have kids!

Yuki: I don't think so!

Irie-kun: It's true what she's saying Yuki. *Said Irie-kun after carrying Kotomi to her baby chair to eat*
Never in my life would I thought that my gallery was gonna be filled with pictures of a baby but it is. It's just parenthood, like Kotoko said ... you'll get it once you have your own kids.

Yuki: Wow... I've just stepped in a whole new world ... I really need to go out more.

After that we all ate our pancakes and Irie-kun fed Kotomi a fruit salad sliced into tiny little pieces so she could eat them easily. Irie-kun doesn't notice but he really is the best dad in the world ☺️ Kotomi is so lucky to have a dad like him. Later on Irie-kun and I got dressed to go to work and told Yuki to send us a video if he catches Kotomi standing up and walking. We also kissed Kotomi after going to work. When we got to the hospital we went to our own departments after kissing goodbye.

It was such a busy day because there was a fire in a building close to the hospital which means a lot of the victims were brought to our hospital. I had to work with this new doctor called Dr. Suzuki. He was so nice to all the patients. He has been working on the hospital for a month already but today is the first time I've worked with him. Both me and Irie-kun has to stay till late. As I'm waiting for the other patient to come in I start thinking how this all seems so similar to the day where I collapsed on the floor only to find out I was pregnant with Kotomi. It was when this couple was brought in with burn marks that I stopped thinking about that time.

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