Japan again - Chapter 32

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Ughhh! Today we were back to Japan. I honestly loved all the time we spent here in the US but even if I do feel kind of homesick, I wish we could have stayed more. I'm grateful though cause at least I could come. It was really hard for Irie to ask for vacations since he would have to find someone to replace him and Funatsu came with us. He called another doctor to cover for him but I would be lying if I said that he didn't grab his phone to call the doctor to check how things were going. That's Irie for you.

The New Year show at Time's Square was amazing! It was more packed than I imagined, so we were almost at the back. The only thing I didn't like was how so many people were pushing each other. Kotomi almost fell one time and I had to stop Irie from doing something... I wasn't gonna let him get in jail, especially in US. We stayed until the countdown and after that we left cause I was too tired. My feet were aching so much.

Right now we are on our way to the airport and we decided to return one car so that the other could be used to get ourselves to the airport. Somebody from the company would pick it up there. Kotomi was beside me on a car seat and Marina was beside Kotomi. Funatsu and Irie were both at the front.

We got to the airport and started going to the gate. At the time to board the plain we all got seated and basically waited to get to Japan. You couldn't do much aside from eating and watching your phone. I slept so soundly again and was woken up by Kotomi again. I tell you this girl gets excited for anything. She was even excited to come back to Japan cause she missed school... She definitely didn't get that from ME!

Anyway... moving on Irie, Kotomi and Insaid our goodbyes and see you later's to Marina and Funatsu cause we were gonna go to Oba-sama's house to eat. She called everyday to check on how we were doing. It wasn't really a bother cause sometimes she would talk with Kotomi for hours while she stayed with Marina and Irie and I did other things... but you don't have to know the details. I could already smell the food while getting out of the car. It smelled amazing let me tell you! Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted when I heard a scream.

YAYYYYYYY KOTOKO AND KOTOMI ARE BACK! - Oba- sama said excitedly

HIII OBA-SAMA! We missed you so much - said Kotomi

We really did! - I said with the sudden urge to cry (damn this pregnancy hormones!)

And what am I mom? A wall? I came back too - Irie

Shush! Your mom is just too excited Irie! - I responded by giving him a quick kiss on the cheek so he would calm down.

Sure, sure - He said

Oba-sama grabbed him and gave him the tightest hug she has ever given. He was even surprised. She said that now he couldn't say anything cause she saved his boy for last. A light blush started forming on Irie's cheeks when she said that. Funny how he could get embarrassed at such a cute thing his mother said. We then entered the house and greeted everyone. Even Konomi was here. Yuki and Konomi have come so far together that it's just TOO ADORABLE. I never forget to mention it cause Yuki gets all flustered and which gives Konomi a reason to tease him. What can I say?! I'll always help Konomi, she's like another daughter for me.

We sat down on the table and started chatting as Oba-sama started putting everything on the table with the help of Konomi. I offered to help but they both looked at me like I had grown three heads and told me to sit down. Suddenly when I was almost finishing my plate I felt something between my legs. I looked down subtly because I didn't wanna alert someone if it was a false alarm of what I thought it could be. When I looked there was clear liquid dripping to the floor and onto the seat? I shifted a little so that I could reach Irie's ear and whispered at him to look down. Let me tell you guys that for a man that has already been through this one time you would think they'd be more relaxed but no. That wasn't the case. Irie suddenly got up and help me stand up. Everybody looked at us weird because we hadn't finished eating.

Kotoko's water broke! We need to get her to the hospital now! - Irie said kind of loudly but not yet reaching the screaming voice

Everybody was frozen and then everything started moving. Irie helped me get in the car after we said our goodbyes to Kotomi. She was so excited but sad that we were leaving her. It broke my heart but we would see her soon. Oba-sama was stayed with Kotomi while Yuki and Konomi were driving us to the hospital. I was so excited yet nervous... I've given birth before but each time is obviously a different experience... this time we were gonna be leaving with two babies instead of one. I can't help thinking how we got to Japan right on time. Seems like my babies are really excited to come out now that we got to Japan.
I can't wait to meet my beautiful babies!

Photo does not belong to me 🤎 Hope you guys enojo y this new episode! Can't wait to read your thoughtsI'll answer every comment! Don't forget to share,comment & voteThanks to all of you who leave me encouraging comments! They really keep me going...

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Photo does not belong to me 🤎
Hope you guys enojo y this new episode!
Can't wait to read your thoughts
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Thanks to all of you who leave me encouraging comments! They really keep me going🥺😘

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