"How did you get this? You didn't...steal it did you?" Vivi asked out, her tone borderline accusatory. Ace shook his head. "No, we promised these so called rebels some help with sand pirates that were going to attack the town, though it does seem as if you guys are the sand pirates. Anyways, I wouldn't call those guys part of the rebel army at all, a bunch of hoodlums if you ask me." Ace shrugged out, his tone casual and light as he explained. A frown replaced Vivi's relaxed expression as she turned to look at Ace. "There is nothing wrong with citizens pretending to be part of the rebel army to try and keep enemies away." Ace raised his hands up in surrender at the princess, his expression becoming sheepish. "I didn't mean it in a bad way..."

"Maybe...maybe we could test them in a way." Vivi proposed after a beat of uncomfortable silence. "To see if they can handle to burden of protecting a village."


Ace walked back into the small village while Anoki stayed back and hid behind large rocks with Nami and Vivi. The two girls originally wanted Anoki to be part of the plan but Anoki rebutted by saying that her pride wouldn't handle 'pretending to do a tactical retreat' and that she was already seen in the town with Ace. 

Anoki watched with an unamused eye as the village seeped out from the front gates to watch as the 'rebel army' defeated the sand pirates. The blonde man with the purple headband and his little crew looked around with anxious eyes. It was obvious that they had absolutely no experience with fighting whatsoever. She watched as the mayor of the town handed the blonde leader a poster, which was actually Luffy's bounty. The blonde leader's eyes bulged out as he nearly did a spit take at the amount, causing Anoki to snicker. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ussop, and Chopper in his heavy point form. The five of them stood menacingly in front of the town, their gazes sharp as they glared at the blonde leader and his crew. 

Anoki couldn't tell what the 'rebel army' was talking about, their faces shifting from fear and adrenaline, to fear and adrenaline with a dash of resolve. 

The five started to 'attack' the rebel army, their hits extremely weak and taking the hits being dealt by the rebels. Vivi smiled, using a piece of glass to reflect the sun to gain Ussop's attention. "Oh no! The rebel army is too powerful for us, we need to retreat!" Ussop shouted out, his words sounding fake and rehearsed but it caused the villagers to start shouting with glee. Luffy was about to punch a rebel, but Chopper dragged him away as all five of them started to retreat from the town. Luffy was laughing joyously as he ran with Chopper and the others. 

Zoro's face was beet red as he ran, obviously ashamed from being apart of such a lame scheme that forced him to run from such weak guys. 



Anoki convinced Ace to let the lizard go since the poor thing had been forced to carry both of them a good portion through the desert. The crew was off once again, trying to get closer to their destination of Yuba. Nami asked Vivi about her childhood, causing the blue haired princess to tell the group a story of a boy she befriended in her youth named Koza. "You seem really close to this Koza guy, do you know where he is now?" Nami asked, her eyes shining with interest. Vivi's smile seemed to grow nervous, a sweat-drop rolling down the side of her face. "Funny thing to ask...Koza is actually the leader of the rebel army."

The crew continued to walk until a large section of raised rocks came into view, making Luffy demand to stop for a food break. Everyone was too tired to argue and settled themselves into the large clearing in the middle of all the rocks. Sanji immediately got to work on creating the dishes, Ussop and Luffy hovering around him like dogs begging for some scraps. Anoki sat down on a rock, her back slumped while her elbows rested on her knees. Ace sat down in the sand right next to her leg, Zoro doing the same thing. Chopper sat in the shade that all three bodies provided, his fuzzy face alight with glee at the cool feeling of the shade. 

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