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"It's a shame you can't come," Cedric sighed. "I'll just be grumpy and sleepy, you're better off," I told him. "It sucks you have to go through this every month," he said. "I get breakfast in bed, that's a plus," I shrugged.

There was a Hogsmeade trip coming up and I was feeling like crap because the full moon was that day. "That's the big con of dating me."

"I'd better get a moon chart then," he said. "How do you survive?"

"I have the perfect full moon hangover," I told him. "Hot chocolate, gooey cookies and or brownies and hot water bottle with a book, this month is The Chronicles of Narnia."

"Hope it's not too painful," he said to me, pecking me on the cheek. "Eh, I'm used to it but thanks."


It was leading up to the second Triwizard Task, time flew by the second I had gotten back to Hogwarts. "So, let me get this straight," I sighed, taking a deep breath. "I let you borrow the Map, which you gave to Moody, cheers by the way, and you have no idea what the clue means," I said to Harry. "And last Hogsmeade you pissed off Rita Skeeter," I pointed at Hermione. "And I have no idea what Ron did."

"You don't know the story behind it!" Harry piped up. "Enlighten me then," I folded my arms and nodded for him to tell the story. "Well Snape had his office robbed," he told me. "But Moody doesn't trust him, I think he's keeping an eye on him as well as Karkaroff, according to Moody, he said Dumbledore only let him stay here because he's giving him a second chance."

"So Snape did it? He put your name in the Goblet of Fire?" Ron widened his eyes. "He tried to save Harry in first year," Hermione pointed out. "And also got my dad fired last year," I added.

"Think about it Hermione, how many Aurors are in the school?" Ron questioned her.


"Also I saw Crouch on the Map," Harry told us. "Why would he be lurking around the school but miss the Yule Ball?"

"Beats me?" I shrugged. "What I want to know is why Snape needed the second chance."


Harry wrote a letter to Sirius, telling him what was going on with Moody and Snape though Sirius took his sweet time responding.

For the next three days, the three of us were searching the library. "How does it go again?" I asked Harry, while Ron and Hermione were at the other end of the library.

"Come seek us where our voices sound, we cannot sing above the ground," Harry told me. "Myrtle told me there's merpeople in the lake."

"Hmm..how does the rest of it go?"

"And while you're searching ponder this, we've taken what you'll surely miss, an hour long you'll have to look, to recover what we took.."

"So, hold your breath for an hour? Yikes," I shuddered. "Oi, I'm not done!" Harry protested. "Sorry, sorry, go on," I apologised.

"But past an hour, the prospect's black, too late, it's gone, it won't come back."

"Alright, so..." I tapped my foot off the leg of the chair. "Something of yours is gonna get taken and shoved to the bottom of the lake and you have an hour to find it or it's gone forever, that's what I'm taking from it."

"What could be taken though?" Harry asked me. "I have no idea," I told him.

A tiny glow came from my bag. "Huh?"

"That your notebook?" Harry asked me. "Yeah but I just talked to Dad on Sunday," I muttered, opening it. "Oh, bloody hell."

Joy, it's Sirius, I stole Remus' notebook, tell me the next Hogsmeade date and don't tell your father I stole this.

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