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I turned thirteen just a couple of weeks ago but this was no cause for celebration. Summer was getting nearer and after Hermione was attacked, we were at a dead end.

We were worried that this monster would kill off all the Muggle-Borns. Malfoy was walking around like he owned the place. I was freaking out because his father was trying to get me expelled from Hogwarts.

I wrote to Tia about it and she told me that they suspected I was a werewolf but they had no proof or confirmation. I couldn't fully turn anyway so I wasn't dangerous. So Lady Luck freaking hates me.

We weren't allowed to visit Hermione anymore due to fear of the monster coming back. School turned into hell as the Slytherins basically owned Hogwarts now that Dumbledore was gone.

We were sitting in Potions one afternoon in May and Malfoy was being obnoxious. "Sir, you should apply for the Headmaster's job!"

"Professor Dumbledore is on suspended leave, he'll be back," Snape told him but I saw a very discreet smirk on his face.

"I'm surprised the Mudbloods haven't packed their bags yet," I heard Malfoy say. "The next one will die, pity it wasn't Granger."

Thankfully the bell rang because me and Harry were dragging Ron away, preventing him fronm jumping on Malfoy. "I'll kill him!" Ron ranted. "I'LL KILL HIM!"

"Hurry up, I have to take you all to Herbology," Snape sighed. "

We walked into Herbology and Ernie Macmillian came over to us. "I'm sorry that I suspected you, Harry. I know you'd never attack Hermione Granger."

They shook hands, reconciling. "Well, Hufflepuff's on our side again," Ron muttered

I spotted a cluster of spiders crawling out the window. I grabbed Harry's arm and pointed towards the window. "Look."

Harry's eyes widened. "They're going towards the Forbidden Forest," he realised.

"Tonight?" I suggested. "But there's werewolves in there," Ron objected.

Me and Harry both gave him the death stare. "There are wolves, Ron, not werewolves."

"What's the difference?!" Ron exclaimed. "Werewolves only attack you once a month, wolves just do it whenever they want," I told him.

Ron's face turned white.


I waited in the common room for Ron and Harry to come down with the Cloak.

It was nearly midnight when they came down. "You were ages!" I scolded them.

"Hey, we're here now, let's go," Ron muttered. We managed to get out of the castle undetected. We then stopped off at Hagrid's to get Fang. "Come on, boy! Time to go for a walk!" I told him.

Fang ran out of the door and Harry left the Cloak inside the hut as we succeeded in our mission of leaving the we walked into the Forest. "Lumos," I whispered and a small light appeared from my wand.

"The spiders are going that way," Harry pointed a little to the right.

"Well, yippee ki yay," I mumbled. "What's that?" Ron frowned. "A Muggle thing," I sighed, stepping over a root.

The Forest grew darker and darker as we were going further in. "Okay, I'm getting a bad feeling about this," Ron muttered.

Fang suddenly started barking and Ron gripped my arm. "What's going on?"

"There's something moving over there," Harry points in the distance. "It's big, really big."

My hand started trembling as I heard branches snapping. "Oh no, oh no, oh no!"

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