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I was still trying to shake the Malfoy Cooties off me. It was mortifying pretending to be Parkinson.

Meanwhile, Parkinson had no clue what had happened during Christmas. Thank Merlin.

Hermione had to take her furry little problem to the hospital wing. My furry little problem hasn't changed. I had a couple fits of rage but apart from that, nothing odd. 

Unfortunately, we hit a dead end with the Chamber of Secrets, no more attacks so we had no new leads.

"I was so sure it was Malfoy!" Ron sighed as we sat on Hermione's bed. "Looks like we're back to square one," I murmured. "Hey, what's that?" Harry pointed at Hermione's pillow. "Uh nothing," she stuttered.

I pointed at her pillow with my wand. "Accio!"

A gold card shot into my hand. I looked to see a get well card from Lockhart. "You sleep with this under your pillow?"

"Don't judge me!" Hermione exclaimed. "Bit late for that, Mione," I pointed out, handing it back to her. "Don't forget our bet, tick tock," Hermione grumbled. "I still have a few months," I snarked.

We left the hospital wing and I scrunched up my nose. "Forgot about the bet."

"Where is that on your priority list?" Ron laughed. "Fourth," I admitted. "Do we want to know what the first three are?" Harry wondered. "You pretty much know them already, number one is awoooooooooo!" I fake howled.

I froze when I suddenly heard Filch ranting about something. The three of us hid behind a statue as he passed by. "Cleaning up that ruddy mess! That's the last straw! I'm going to Professor Dumbledore!"

We waited until he walked by and I noticed were were in the exact same place where Mrs Norris was petrified.

My foot suddenly grew cold and I looked down to see myself ankle deep in water. "Not again," I moaned. I heard Myrtle crying in the bathroom. "Now what's wrong with her?" Ron sighed.

"Come on," I rolled my eyes and pushed the door open. The bathroom was soaking wet and Myrtle was crying more than usual.

"What's wrong Myrtle?" I asked her. "Who is that?" she asked. "Come to throw something at me?"

I tilted my head. "Why would I throw something at you?"

"Don't ask me!" Myrtle snapped at me. "I was minding my own business and someone thought it would be funny to throw a book at me."

"But it wouldn't hurt you if something got thrown at you," Harry pointed out. "It'd just go right through you."

"Real smooth," I sighed quietly. "Sure! Let's all throw books at Myrtle because she can't feel it!" Myrtle shouted at Harry. "Ten points if it goes through her stomach. Fifty if it goes through her head!"

"Who threw it?" I asked her.

"I don't know, I was on the U-Bend and it just went through my head," she told me. "It's over there, it got washed out."

I turned to see a thin black book floating in a pool of water underneath one of the sinks.

"Hello there," I muttered and I walked through the water. "Joy, it could be dangerous!" Ron warned me.

I turned around and I gave Ron an exasperated look. "It's a book, you numpty!"

"It could be dangerous," Harry pointed out. I rolled my eyes and picked up the wet book. "Oh yeah, this book is going to cause Armageddon, alert the Ministry," I snarked.

I flicked through the book. "T.M Riddle, isn't that the guy who got that special services award fifty years ago?"

"Yeah," Ron nodded.

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