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I headed down the the Shrieking Shack at about eight. It was going to be more lonely since Sirius wasn't hiding here anymore. I grew used to him being there by my side, comforting me and telling me everything was going to be okay.

I just stood by the window and waited for the moon to reach its full peak. "Hurry up," I sighed. "I want to get this night over with."

The moonlight shone through the window and touched off my skin and I drank my potion, trying to ignore the foul taste.

I scampered down the stairs and nudged the door open, wanting a bit of fresh air.

I ran into the Forbidden Forest, knowing no creature would dare to harm me. I pulled my cloak up, hiding my hair and part of my face.

I walked around and I accidentally stumbled upon a pack of bloody centaurs.

Oh, bugger.

I was about to turn. "Human!" one of them shouted, his voice was very hoarse. "No, this is a child of the moon," one with a gentler voice.

"How do you know?" the other one asked him. "Because I can sense her," he responded. "I'm Firenze by the way, are you a student of Hogwarts?"

I turned to him and I nodded. 

"Relax, she won't hurt us," Firenze told his herd. "What is your name?"

"Joy," I told him. "Joy Jones." 

"Well, Joy Jones, we shall meet again," Firenze said to me.

I ran around the forest for a bit, this way I'm not cramped in that stupid house. I couldn't transform ever but I wanted to blend in for once. 

As I ran, my foot got caught under a root and I fell onto the floor, putting my weight onto my arm. 

I cried out a little and my wrist was starting to swell up. I quickly made my way back to the Shrieking Shack

I lay down and stared at my wrist, which was bleeding and beginning to bruise. 


McGonagall was rushing towards the Whomping Willow. "Is everything alright, Jones?"

"Hurt my wrist," I told her. "Well, head back to the common room, your teachers know you won't be attending class but go to Madam Pomfrey first and she'll fix your wrist," McGonagall told me. "Thank you, Professor," I said as I made my way to the hospital wing to get my wrist wrapped and treated.

I just felt lousy and tired and I'd be like that until this evening. I went into my dorm to find hot chocolate and cookies, usually left there by Ginny.

I crawled into my bed and took a cookie and the mug of hot chocolate. I picked up my notebook and wrote a message, telling Dad and Sirius that I was okay.

I lay back in my bed and let the chocolatey goodness wash over my entire body.


The next morning, I took a croissant for breakfast and went to class early as I was still peeved at Hermione.

I sat down in Defence Against the Dark Arts, resting my chin in the palm of my hand. Harry sat beside me and looked between me and Hermione. "You two still not talking?!"

"Harry, she insulted my family, sorry if I'm not the most forgiving person in the world," I sighed. "I don't get it," Harry sighed. "You forgave your aunt for not telling you about Lupin for years..."

"That's totally different!" I snapped. 

Harry sighed. "I'm sorry, that was way out of line."

I put my head in my hands. "My family was slaughtered for their status in this world. It's just Tia and me. And now the benefactor of everything that the Jones family has to offer is a piss poor excuse of a half-breed."

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