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Well, Hermione stopped talking to the three of us after the incident with the three headed dog.

But that thing scared the living daylights out of me. It'd give anyone nightmares. It gave me nightmares.

"Joy!" Ron snapped me out of my daze. "What, what?" I mumbled, looking up. "Harry got a Nimbus Two Thousand, McGonagall got it for him."

My eyes widened. "Let's open it then!"

"Not here," Harry whispered to us. "Let's go back to the common room."

Unfortunately, we didn't even get up the first flight of stairs as Malfoy and his goons, Crabbe and Goyle, got in our way. He snatched the parcel from Harry. "Oh, you'll go back to the Muggles this time, Potter! First years aren't allowed brooms."

"Better than your broomstick," I snapped. "Shut up, Jones," Malfoy glowered at me. "Everything alright here, boys? Miss Jones?" Professor Flitwick came over to us.

"Potter here has a broomstick," Malfoy announced. "I know," Professor Flitwick said. "Congratulations, Mr Potter."

"And it's all thanks to Malfoy," I beamed, having a fake smile plastered onto my face.

Malfoy was annoyed that his little plan didn't work. I threw my arms around Harry and Ron as the three of us laughed at the dopey look on Malfoy's face.

"Absolutely priceless!" I couldn't stop laughing. "And it's true!" Ron was laughing his arse off.

"So it's a reward for rule breaking?" Hermione came into the common room, arms folded.

"I thought you weren't talking to us?" I frowned, with sass. "Don't stop," Ron muttered. "You're doing us a favour."

Hermione stormed off, obviously ticked off.


I was in the dormitory, looking at my mum's school photos from her time back at Hogwarts in the 1970s. I was showing some of them to Ron in the common room as Harry was at Quidditch practice.

"I was named after that Ravenclaw girl, Joanna Hale," I told him.

"Your mum probably lost a bet," Ron laughed. "I know, I'm not the biggest fan of my name," I giggled. "And Quidditch is literally in your genes," Ron told me.

He looked at another photograph and looked at another that was Harry's.

"Joy, your mum knew Harry's parents," Ron told me. "She did?!" I gasped, taking the photo from him. "I knew she was friends with someone called James, I didn't think it was Harry's dad."

"What?" Harry came back in.

I showed him the photograph. "By the looks of it, our parents were good friends."

The picture was of James Potter with his arm around Mum, the two of them laughing. On the back it said James and Alivia, 1976.

Harry looked at the picture and he smiled a little.


Everybody was looking forward to today's Charms class. We were finally learning how to make things fly. The moment we stepped into Professor Flitwick's class, we were split into pairs.

Ron, much to his annoyance, was paired with Hermione Granger while I was paired with Harry.

"Don't forget the wrist movement," Professor Flitwick reminded us. "Swish and flick. And the incantation."

"Wingardium Leviosa," I chanted but nothing happened. Harry had no such luck either, he was busy watching Ron and Hermione arguing.

"It's LeviOsa, not LeviosA," Hermione snapped at Ron. "You do it then!" Ron retorted.

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