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"Okay, chocolate chip pancakes with toasted marshmallows," Tia slid the plate in front of me. "Yes! Bless you!" I cheered.

Summer was one of the best times of the year. Tia's pancakes were to die for.

"So, spending the rest of summer at the Weasley's then, ah, peace and quiet," Tia laughed.

"Hey!" I pouted. "You missed me."

"Well, you were a bit of a devil growing up," she pointed out. "I was not!" I protested. "Pip, back me up here?"

I talked to the black Labrador who just stared at me. "Traitor," I mumbled.

Our house in the Forest of Dean was calm. Muggles couldn't find it as it still had a couple of protection charms. They'd see a haunted house while I saw home.

"Do you have your things ready, Joy?" Tia asked me, bringing Biscuit down.

"Yep, although travelling by Floo isn't my personal favourite method of travel," I mumbled.

"Tell me about it," Tia rolled her eyes. "I'll sort your belongings."

Pip jumped onto my knees and licked my face. "You be good okay?" I kissed the top of Pip's head.

I grabbed a handful of Floo Powder. "The Burrow!"

After various flashes of green, I ended up falling out of the fireplace. "Joy?!"

"Hey Gin," I got up and brushed the soot off my cloak and Ginny hugged me.

"RON! JOY'S HERE!" Ginny screamed up the stairs.

Ron came barreling down and engulfed me in a hug. "How are you?"

"Good, covered in soot," I laughed. The two of us ventured upstairs and sat down on his bed. "Have you heard from Harry?" I asked him.

"No, nothing, Hermione hasn't heard anything either, he got a warning from the Ministry for using magic the other night," Ron sighed. "You don't think that those awful Muggles did something, do you?" I wondered.

"I think we need to get Harry out of that place," Ron muttered. "Great! But how?" I asked Ron.

Ron looked out the window. "Wait till everyone goes to sleep, we go in my dad's car.."

"To Surrey?"

"Can I finish?"


"What's this?!" Fred and George burst into the room. "Plotting without us?"

"Oh, go away!" Ron sighed. "What's the plan, Joanna?" Fred asked me. "Don't call me that," I muttered, narrowing my eyes at the twins.

"Plan?" George looked at me. "Save Harry from the Muggles," I told him. "Using your dad's car."

"Ooh, scandalous," Fred smirked. "We'll drive, when are we leaving?"

"Midnight," Ron told him.


Fred and George were in the front seat while me and Ron sat in the back.

They stopped the car in front of a barred window and someone jumped up.

"Ron? Joy?"

"You see Potter, this is what happens when you don't answer our letters," I said with a smug smile on my face. "And what's this I hear about a warning?"

"It's a long story," Harry mumbled. "And it wasn't even me! How did you guys find out?"

"My dad works for the Ministry," Ron told him. "Doesn't your aunt work for the Ministry?" Harry looked at me. "Yeah but she kicks Death Eater butt, now is not the time for chit chat!" I rambled. "Now do you want to be rescued or not?"

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