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Malfoy didn't show up to classes until Thursday. His injury wasn't even that bad but he was putting on a show.

Double Potions was a nightmare. "How is it Draco?" Parkinson asked him.

"It still hurts," he pretended to wince.

I let out a small growl, very small so Snape wouldn't hear me.

But Harry did. "I know you want to rip his head off," he murmured. "Yeah and feed it to Buckbeak," I grumbled.

We had to brew a Shrinking Solution for class. "Sir!" Malfoy piped up. "I need help cutting up these daisy roots."

"Weasley, cut Malfoy's roots," Snape ordered. "There is nothing wrong with your bloody arm!" Ron hissed at him. He cut them quickly and the roots were different sizes. "Weasley is mutilating my roots Sir!"

Snape looked at Malfoy's roots and then Ron's. "Switch."



Ron looked so sad as now he had to use the uneven ones instead of the ones he spent fifteen minutes cutting. "Sir! I also need my Shrivelfig skinned," Malfoy spoke up. "Potter," Snape glared at Harry.

There was no point protesting so Harry skinned it as fast as he could. "Seen your buddy lately?" Draco taunted us. "Shut up," Ron grumbled.

"You know, Father's not happy with my injury, Hagrid won't be teaching much longer," Draco smirked.

"If you don't shut your mouth in the next ten seconds, I'll give you a real injury to cry about," I grumbled.

"Jones, slice my caterpillars for me," Draco looked right at me. "Once hell freezes over," I muttered.

I looked over to see Neville having a really hard time. "Honestly," Snape shook his head. "What do I have to say to penetrate that thick skull of yours boy?!"

Poor Neville looked like he was about to cry and I didn't blame him one bit. Snape was an arsehole.

"Hey, Joy," Seamus got my attention while Snape was berating Neville. "Did you read the Daily Prophet this morning?"

"No, why?" I cocked my eyebrow. "They reckon that Black's been sighted."

I was immediately interested. "Where?" I asked him. "Not far from here," Seamus told me. "It was a Muggle that spotted him anyway," Seamus told me. "Yikes," I shuddered.

I looked over to see Harry and Malfoy bickering. I flicked a caterpillar at Malfoy. "Do you ever stop talking?" I asked him rhetorically.


"Harry, he was trying to piss you off," I told him. "But he said 'if I were you, I'd want revenge and hunt him down myself,'" Harry muttered.

"You're seriously listening to that bell end?!" I was shocked. "Harry James Potter, he was screwing with you, just like he always does, who do you believe, your best friend or some prick like Malfoy?"

Harry chuckled a little. "When are you ever going to stop swearing?"

"When I'm dead," I smirked. "You'll miss me when I'm gone, Potter."

"Of course I will, don't joke about that stuff," Harry elbowed me. "Poor Neville in Potions."

"Snape bullies all Gryffindors," I rolled my eyes. "He hates a lot of them but just strongly dislikes you," Harry pointed out. "Because I'm good at Potions?" I frowned. "But if I ever swore at Snape, I'd be expelled."

Harry bit his lip. "Knut for your thoughts?" I looked into his green eyes. "Sirius Black was spotted," he murmured.

"I know, it's like he's heading for something," I murmured.

Window into the PastOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora