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"Hey, wake up!" Hermione was shaking me. "What? I'm up!" I sat up with my massive bed head.

"You were thrashing about, bad dream?" she asked me.

"Not a nightmare, just a situation no human would want to find themselves in," I mumbled.

"Don't forget you have detention," Hermione reminded me.

I swung my legs out of the bed and started brushing my ash blonde hair down.

"Anything new from your dad?" Hermione asked me. I shook my head. "No."

"Oh, that kind of sucks," Hermione pouted. "Can't hound him because one, I don't know his name because Tia won't tell me and two, I have no idea where the man is," I sighed as I started getting dressed.

"On the plus side," I mumbled, fixing my tie. "I get breakfast in bed after full moon sickness."

"That's good," Hermione pointed out. "And I've got this," I pulled out a bottle. "Sleeping Draught, in case the pain gets too much. If people ask where I am, can you lie for me?"

"Consider it done," she said. "Thank you," I smiled.

"You're still allowed to go to the hospital wing right?" Hermione asked me as the two of us were leaving Gryffindor Tower.

"Yeah, I'm still allowed, if I pass out in class or something..."

"Come up with twelve million cover stories, don't worry, Joy," Hermione reassured me, wrapping her arm around me. "With me, Harry and Ron around, no one will suspect a thing."

"Thanks," I smiled.

We walked into the Great Hall for breakfast. Eggs, pancakes and bacon. Yay!

Before I could take a bite of my beautiful breakfast, Biscuit landed beside me with a letter.

"Oh crap," I grimaced. "Your aunt?" Harry asked me. I nodded and read it to them.


Oh crap, full name, I'm in trouble.

One day in and you're already in trouble, that's a new one. Although, I understand the dire circumstance. I don't know how that barrier closed. But next time, if this does happen, send a damn owl. I bought you one for a reason.

Honestly, Joanna, you should know better. Although once I heard the story, I couldn't stop laughing. You remind me of your mother. She was a troublemaker too. Speaking of family, we have a new member! Since we live in that big house, I need a bit of help with the cleaning since I'm working longer hours, we now have a house elf named Angie. Be nice to her, she's cleaning your pigsty of a room as I'm writing this.

Take care of yourself and keep me updated about the full moons and what happens. I know I've been unable to talk to your father but I'll see if I can contact him about this. Ministry rules are unfair but I'm going to see what I can do.

Be careful and don't mind that bastard Malfoy. He's just trying to spook you.

Love, Tia

I shrugged. "Slap on the wrist."

"Your aunt let it slide?!" Ron asked me in disbelief. "It's not the worst thing I've done." I laughed.

A sudden crash made us jump up out of our seats. Errol, the Weasley owl, decided to crash land.

I noticed a red envelope in his beak. "Oh, Ron, you are so screwed."

"That's a Howler," Neville told a confused Harry. "Just get it over with, Ron."

"My aunt ignored one once and it was horrible," I told him.

Window into the PastOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz