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"I didn't do anything!" Harry insisted. "Joy, I didn't put my name in, you have to believe me."

This reminded me of last year when I was helping Sirius. "Harry, I do believe you, but whoever did is not your friend, now go up!"

I gave him a small push and he stood up, freaked out of his mind. Tia looked at me and I just shrugged. She walked over to me, livid. "What the bloody hell?"

"Tia, he didn't do it," I whispered. "He didn't do it."

She sighed. "This is bad, bad!"

"But what's going to happen?" I asked her. "I have no idea but I'll keep you posted, okay?"

She went off to see what was going on. "Think it's going to be okay?" Hermione asked me. "I'll find out at the stupid dinner tonight," I grumbled.


I sat down at the table twenty minutes later than I should have. "You're late," one of the professors pointed out. "I know, I have a watch," I muttered, making Tia snort with laughter. "Why are you late?" he asked me.

I noticed Fleur, Viktor, Cedric and Harry sitting there. "I was writing an essay," I lied. I was reading in the bathroom.

I sat down. "Well, you missed dinner, you can still have dessert."

I sat down next to Fleur. "You do not want to be in here?" she frowned. "Not really, it's not you, it's them," I told her, helping myself to the profiteroles.

I looked at Harry, with an eyebrow raised. "I'll explain later," he mouthed at me. "Now, your first task will take place on November twenty-fourth in front of all the students and the judges.."

"And by the way, being nice to my niece won't get you brownie points, Dumbles says I have to be unbiased but you have to be nice to my niece anyway," Tia instructed them. "Tatiana," Crouch scolded her. "Do not interrupt."

Crouch faced the others. "You cannot ask for help from the teachers or accept it," he told them. I sipped my Butterbeer and I opened my mouth to say something. "No Joy, we're not telling you either," Tia told me. "Why not?" I pouted.

"Because you're likely going to blab it to Harry, I know you missy," she told me. "Fine, you got me," I muttered.

"Well, Harry, Cedric, I hope you do both Gryffindor and Hufflepuff proud," Tia told them. "Did you attend Hogwarts, Miss Jones?" Cedric asked her. "Yes, I was in Ravenclaw, left Hogwarts...ooh...ten years ago?"

"Well I think that's enough for one night," Crouch addressed the champions. "Try to get some rest, all of you."


"Okay, what the hell?"

"I don't know!"

"Harry, seriously, what the hell?!"

"Joy, I don't know!"

I seized him by the shoulders, shaking him. "Did you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?!"


"Did you ask someone else to do it for you?!"

"No! Merlin, Joy! Calm down! I'm freaked out as well!"

I let him go. "Okay, I believe you, but Harry, you're gonna have a hard time convincing everyone else."

"They're not going to believe me Joy," Harry sighed. "They're going to think I was desperate for more fame or something. Joy someone wants me dead!"

"We'll make a list," I sighed. "It's not the first time someone has tried to kill you."

"You're not helping."


"Well, when I had that dream, Pettigrew was talking to Voldemort," Harry told me while I flinched. "He was planning to kill me and they said they were after something else too."

"What was it?" I asked him. Harry was very quiet. "Harry, tell me!"

"Your locket, I heard them mention your mother," Harry explained. "Any ideas?"

"Maybe Mum didn't keep her mission a secret, maybe that information didn't die with her," I suggested. "My grandparents died because they were Muggles, they couldn't have known anything, Mum was sixteen at the time of their death. Those were just attacks, Mum was on their radar after she joined some group to kill him but she started having her visions when she was a teenager. Dad said her visions usually came true."

"Could Tia know?"

"She was fourteen when Mum died, so no," I shook my head. "She wouldn't have known anything since she wasn't of age. But...oh shit."

"What? Joy tell me!"

"It was left to me in Mum's will, they know I have it," I gulped. "I was wearing it in the Shrieking Shack that night."

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