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The school year was getting nearer to the end. Sirius was getting more and more desperate with each passing day but I told him something important.

Revenge isn't worth it if you end up dead or in Azkaban without a soul.

"It's too dangerous," I warned him. "What we need is a confession, not more death!"

"I got so close to that rat!" Sirius growled. "Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do, I understand the determination, wanting to get the job done in such a small time frame," I said. "What's more important? Justice or revenge?"

"Aren't they the same thing?" Sirius muttered, very impatient. "No, they're not," I told him. "I agreed to help you get justice, not revenge, justice is throwing Pettigrew in Azkaban, getting him to confess and clearing your name, revenge is killing him and jeopardising your freedom, justice is better but if you prefer revenge, I won't stand in your way."

Sirius didn't say anything. "I need to study for my exams, see you."

"Joy," Sirius stopped me before I left. "What?" I asked him. "Nothing, never mind, sorry," he sighed. "No, tell me," I insisted. "You asked me to give you notice if I was going to do something stupid," he looked at me.

"What are you going to do?" I asked him. "Best if you don't know," he said. "Just..don't get caught," I murmured before leaving.

By the time I made it out, it was night. "Oh shit," I swore. I didn't know what time it was.

"Godric, how long was I there?" I mumbled, seeing if the coast was clear.

I made a run for it making it to the long bridge, tripping over the last step and falling flat on my face.

"Ow," I groaned. I heard a small meow from a distance. Mrs Norris, I'm in a pile of dragon dung right now.

I pulled my cloak over my head and ran back to the Shrieking Shack.

Once I came in, Sirius was startled. "Joy? Why aren't you back at.."

"Filch, blocking my only way in, I'll sleep here," I sighed. "But people are going to notice you're missing, Joy."

"If you can..can you wake me up before dawn?" I requested. "The moon's not for a couple of days so I can't use that as an excuse."

"Go on," Sirius sighed. I curled up into a ball on the bed and I conked out almost immediately.


"Wake up," Sirius shook me. "Joy! Joy!"

"I'm up," I slurred, slowly opening my eyes. "Merlin, you sleep like the dead," Sirius complained. "What time is it?" I asked him. "First light, sun's about to rise, run back to the castle."

I got up and I left once again. I made it back to Gryffindor Tower and thankfully no one was in the common room. I lay down on the couch and closed my eyes, so that the others would think I fell asleep in the common room.

I heard footsteps and I felt a sudden weight on me. I heard a shrill shriek which frightened the life out of me.

I opened my eyes to see Hermione. "Did you..just..sit on me?" I asked her in disbelief. "Where were you?!" she freaked out. "Long story," I murmured, sitting up.

"Well, the exams are starting Monday, you ready?"

"Yes, basically," I told her. "Potions I'm a little fuzzy with."

"Have you thought about what you want to do when you leave Hogwarts?" Hermione asked me as we went down the Great Hall that morning. "Maybe an Auror or a professional Quidditch player," I shrugged. I sat down as the exam timetables were passed around. "Transfiguration and Charms on Monday."

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