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"Hear me out," Sirius pleaded with me. "Hang on," I grabbed a pillow and I threw it at him, hitting him right in the face. "I deserved that."

"You're such an idiot!" I freaked out. "He saw you! What if you'd been caught?! You would've been sent back!""

"I get the damn point!" Sirius snapped at me, making me flinch. His expression softened. "I'm sorry, Joy, I am but I caught a whiff of his scent and..I couldn't help myself."

Sirius took hold of my hands and looked me right in the eye. "It was a stupid and foolish thing to do and I scared the life out of that Weasley boy, I'm sorry, Joy."

"Just promise me you'll give me a heads up next time?" I murmured. "I promise," he reassured me, pulling me into a tight hug.

He rested his hand on top of my head. "I know something that's coming up on Sunday," Sirius said to me.

"Sunday?" I frowned.

"Your birthday," Sirius laughed. "Oh, that, I kind of forgot," I mumbled. "Wait you know when my birthday is?"

"Of course I do," Sirius chuckled. "April thirtieth."

I smiled at him. "Did you only come here to scold me?" Sirius asked me. "Yes, I ditched Potions," I admitted.

"Really, won't Snape get annoyed?" Sirius frowned. "Worst I'll get is another detention," I shrugged. "Adios."

I made a quick getaway and I made my way back to the castle. Luckily lunch started so I was first in the Great Hall.

Hermione joined me. "You weren't in Potions, is everything alright?"

I nodded. "I could do a day without Snape breathing down my neck."

Harry and Ron walked into the Great Hall. "See you later," Hermione walked away as Harry and Ron sat with me. "Where were you?" Ron asked me, diving into the food. "Wasn't in the mood," I smirked. "If Snape finds you, you're going to get detention quicker than you can say oops."

"Eh, I don't care," I mumbled, eating a sandwich.

"Hagrid wants to meet the two of us at six," Harry told Ron, then he looked at me. "Is Hermione okay?"

"She's okay but still upset," I explained. "So what are you going to do on Sunday?" Ron asked me.

"No idea," I frowned. "I kind of forgot about my birthday. We can get a drink in Hogsmeade, on the Saturday."

"Yeah, we can do that," Ron nodded. "At least Hermione isn't nagging us about Black."

"I'll take the map and the cloak," Harry said. "We can celebrate Joy's fourteenth."

I smiled at the boys.


Ron and I got the carriage into Hogsmeade that Saturday. "So, what do you want for your birthday?" Ron asked me. "I don't mind, the drink is enough," I said to him.

"You've been distant, very distant, are you okay?" Ron asked me. "I'm okay, just stressed is all," I told him.

"First stop, Honeydukes," Ron smirked. "Ooh yes please," I smiled. Ron had bought me lots of chocolate and the two of us left.

I felt something poke me in the back. "Ow!"

"Sorry," I heard Harry mumble. "Where were you?" Ron asked him. "Snape," he explained.

The three of us headed for the Three Broomsticks. "Take the cloak off, please," I begged Harry. "For my birthday?"

Harry took it off and glared at me. "I'll get the drinks," Ron offered.

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