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Our times were balanced between the exams, both written and practical and figuring out how to stop You-Know-Who.

Potions wasn't easy because Snape was flipping hovering over me, staying within six feet from me.

But after my last exam, what a surprise, I got sick again and I was held there overnight.

I felt something shake me that night.

"Huh?" I murmured. I slowly opened my eyes to see nothing. "Harry, if that's you under that stupid cloak, I swear on Merlin."

"Okay, it's us," I heard Ron's voice. "And Hermione knocked Neville out!"

"What?" I asked groggily. "He was going to tell on us," Hermione's voice piped up. "Why are you even up in the first place?" I muttered. "We're going down the trap door," Harry whispered. "And you came to get me? Your sedated part werewolf best friend?"

"Yep, we're not doing it without you, Jones," Ron said. "Okay," I swung my legs out of the bed and stood up.

Harry threw the cloak over me and I was very groggy and weak after drinking that potion. "Please tell me you found a way to get past that demented dog."

"We did," Hermione reassured me. "Let's go."


I was leaning against Ron as we headed towards the corridor. "Did they put a Sleeping Draught in your potion?" Ron asked me.

"At night, yes, they put a little in," I muttered. "It isn't easy to sleep with the pain."

"So, you could fall asleep on us right now?"

"It's possible, Hermione, hit me in the face if I start falling asleep," I instructed her, my eyelids betraying me.

Hermione lightly tapped my face.

Once we reached the corridor, the door was already wide open. "Take Joy back to the infirmary, I'm going alone," Harry insisted.

"Nope!" I insisted, suddenly feeling a little more awake. "Harry James Potter, get this into your skull, we are in this together, we're not going back."

"Is it me or does she make more sense when she's drugged?" Ron asked Harry. I stamped on his foot. "Shush!"

We walked in to see Fluffy, like me, half and half. Asleep and awake.

"Harry, now," Hermione nudged him. Harry took out his wooden flute, that Hagrid had given him for Christmas and he started playing random notes, a little out of tune but it was melancholic enough to make Fluffy sleepy.

While Harry played the flute, me, Ron and Hermione crept towards the trap door.

"You'd better not fall asleep," Ron warned me. "Shut up!" I whispered.

Ron stepped over Fluffy's foot and pulled the trapdoor open, since me and Hermione did not want to do that.

The dog was stinky.

"It's just pitch black, no ladder, no nothing," he said. Harry passed the flute to Hermione and jumped down the trapdoor.

"Harry!" I hissed.

"It's a soft landing!" he called back. "Come down!"

Hopefully this drop will wake me up. "Geronimo," I mumbled and I jumped down.

I landed next to Harry. "It is soft," I mumbled as Ron dropped down. "It's wet."

Hermione jumped down once Fluffy started barking. "How far down are we?" Hermione wondered. "Far," I assumed.

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