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All of us were sent down to the Great Hall that night. Everyone had their theories about how Sirius Black broke in. I had no idea myself but listening to Dean and Seamus bang on about it was interesting.

I was pretty nervous as the full moon was only days away. Harry noticed this. "You alright?"

"Not really, three days, I can feel it," I murmured. "I hate full moons."

The Gryffindors had to sleep in the Great Hall in purple sleeping bags since we couldn't go into the common room. Me, Harry, Ron and Hermione dragged our bags to the corner. Ginny had put hers next to mine. She always wanted to keep close to me on the days coming up to a full moon. Ginny was basically a sister to me. I loved her to bits.

"Are you okay, Jojo?" she whispered to me that night. "I'm alright Gin," I whispered. "Just a little scared."

"Because of the full moon?"

"Yeah," I sighed, curling up. Ginny reached out and gripped my hand. "You'll be okay."

"Hope so," I sighed. I drifted off to sleep with Ginny's hand still in mine.


The entire school was going on and on about Sirius Black. That nutter who led us to Divination was the new guardian of Gryffindor Tower and changed the password all the time.

It was pretty annoying. The full moon was a mere two days away and I could feel the effects as it was making me more irritable.

Although one thing did brighten up my day. I was sitting in Defence Against the Dark Arts learning about Kappas when McGonagall burst into the room.

"Excuse me, Professor Lupin, can I borrow Jones for a minute?" she asked him.

Hermione looked at me suspiciously. "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything!" I whisper-shouted. I stood up and followed McGonagall out the door.

"Is everything okay Professor?" I raised my eyebrow. "Well, this is regarding Divination," McGonagall told me.

"I'm not failing am I?" I frowned. "No, you're doing quite well, but I'm worried that you studying Divination may not be a the best idea," McGonagall told me. "Considering the obvious."

"My condition?" I frowned. McGonagall blinked, not expecting that answer. "Sure, let's go with that," she shrugged. "I feel it's best to have you removed, as does Professor Dumbledore."

"But what will I do instead?" I asked her. "For the rest of this year, you may have free study periods but at the end of the year, you may pick another subject."

"Thank you, Professor," I said. "Trust me, Jones, you'll be better off," she told me.

She walked away and I looked confused. I felt like there was second reason.

I walked back inside and shuffled in next to Hermione. "Everything okay?" Ron asked me. "They don't want me doing Divination anymore," I whispered. "I don't know why, McGonagall said because of my condition but there must be something else."

"Lucky," Hermione pouted. "I'd do anything to drop Divination."

The full moon was Thursday and the first match was on Saturday, I should be okay.

Should be.

The next afternoon I had Quidditch practice but Harry and I started getting nervous. "A storm?" I gaped. "Lightning storm," Wood corrected me. "Flint just came to see me, we're not playing them this Saturday."

"What?!" George bellowed. "We're playing Hufflepuff, apparently Malfoy's arm is still injured."

"Those gits just don't want to play in the bad weather, plus there's nothing wrong with Malfoy's arm," I ranted. "Trust me, Joy, I know," Wood sighed in exasperation. "Now we have to prepare for Hufflepuff, their strategy is different, they have a new captain, Cedric Diggory."

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