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I went out of the house to go for a stroll to town. I had a yellow t-shirt with black overalls on and red Converse, my favourite shoes.

I had some Muggle money in my pocket and I went to the local shop to buy a Coke.

I also added in a bar of chocolate, I had enough for one so why not?

I pocketed the chocolate and I opened the can carefully. It fizzed all over my hand anyway. I sat down on a bench drinking the can of coke.

I heard a loud crack, which made me jump and spill the Coke on myself.

"Oh for f..."

"You'd better not finish that sentence," said a hoarse, yet famiiar voice. I whipped my head around very quickly, probably giving myself whiplash.

A huge smile grew on my face. "DAD!"

I jumped into his arms, forgetting for a second that my overalls were soaked with coke.

"Sorry, I spilled your drink on you," Dad chuckled. "It's okay, the can isn't completely empty," I told him. "There's still a bit in here."

"So, how come you're wandering around on your own?" he asked me as he chanted a discreet drying spell for my overalls.

"I wanted to give Tia and Padfoot some alone time, they're flirting and I don't wanna be there, I've got my Walkman so I like walking around," I explained.

"Sirius enjoying staying with you and your aunt?" Dad asked me. I nodded.

The two of us started walking back. "Where's the house again?" Dad looked around like a lost puppy. "Haven't been there in nearly twenty years."

"Follow me, Moony," I smiled and Dad and I ventured back into the Forest of Dean


"TIA!" I shouted as Dad closed the door behind him. "LIVING ROOM!" she shouted back. Pip rushed into the hallway and he jumped on Dad. "Dad meet Pip," I did the introductions.

"Hello there," Dad scratched Pip behind his ears but after a minute, Pip ditched him and ran outside into the back garden.

The two of us walked in. "Remus!" Tia jumped up and gave him a hug. "How are you?"

"I'm well," he responded. "And annoyed at Snape."

"Oh, that son of a bitch," Tia shook her head. "Merlin, Alivia hated that arsehole in school."

"Preach!" Sirius shouted from the couch. "Ah, Moony!"

"Padfoot," Dad greeted him. "How's life?"

"Splendid, as long as the Ministry doesn't turn up," Sirius laughed. "I'm sad that Tia and Moony Junior will be ditching me in September."

"Sorry that I have a job," Tia rolled her eyes.

"Sorry that I need an education," I added. "Well, I can stay and look after this daft idiot while you two are away," Dad offered. "That'd be lovely, thank you," Tia smiled at him.

"Idiot?" Sirius pretended to be offended. "You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer, Pads," Tia giggled.

"Moony Junior, help me, they're ganging up on me," Sirius whined. I put my hands up in mock surrender and sat on the couch. "I'm surrounded by idiots."

"Traitor!" Sirius declared.

Suddenly, a tawny owl and Hedwig flew in. "Harry sent me a letter," I smiled.

"You've had the talk with her, right Moony?" Sirius asked him. Dad glared at him.

"Ugh, work," Tia groaned.

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