"Yeah that is pretty!" I complimented before taking a quick glance at the price tag. Seeing the $750.99 discounted price made me put the dress back on the rack and look the other way, "That shit is not worth no $750!"

I could hear Kelly chuckling from behind me as we continued to browse the pricey boutique while waiting on our beloved friend to return from the fitting room. "Don't act like you can't afford it!"

I rolled my eyes at her response while checking out a few pairs of shoes that had caught my attention, "Yeah, but I'm not spending that much on a basic ass dress. It's not even designer." I said, mumbling the last part.

Thankfully, our friend Gabrielle had returned with the items she wanted to purchase making me sigh of relief. We were only an hour or so into our shopping spree and I was already drained. The other two could shop all day, especially Gabrielle. I should've known with her tagging along we would be in this shopping area all day.

After her purchase, we walked the short distance to the Louis Vuitton store. Kelly was carrying on about an incident she encountered at work when Gabrielle pointed out a pair of Louis V toddler shoes. I could instantly feel my pressure rise, but I shook the feeling away and put my focus elsewhere.

"Aw, this will be so pretty for baby Ava!" Kelly gushed along, "I can't wait to have a little girl."

Ava was Gabrielle's two year old daughter. She did give heavy baby fever, but picturing myself with a child didn't sit right with my spirit — especially with my past that I've buried underneath everything else I wanted to forget about.

While they gushed over baby clothing, I stepped back outside and heavily sighed. My anxiety was suddenly getting the best of me and I was no longer in the mood to continue shopping around. My only focus was getting some food and going home to be under my man.

My alone time was short lived and the girls had finally joined me outside the store. I was trying my best to not be the downer in the group, but I could tell that Kelly was keeping a close eye on me and would soon question why I walked out of the store so abruptly and with no reason why.

"Can we eat now?" I asked before she could even utter a word at me.

"Oh, yes!" Gab replied, "I have a taste for tacos for some reason."

With a shrug of my shoulders, I mentioned that it didn't matter where we ate at as long as I was able to sit down and enjoy my food. We eventually agreed on Swift & Sons, a popular restaurant downtown and made our way there.

"You good?" I heard. I pulled the menu down from in front of my face to see both Kelly and Gabrielle staring me down. I chuckled at them being so concerned but I let it be known I was okay.

Kelly could see right through me though, and that's what I loved and hated so much about her. We had been friends since we were little girls, and at one point I thought our friendship had ended because my family and I made a sudden move from our hometown of Houston to Atlanta. We stayed in contact and our friendship was still going strong. I loved her with everything in me and I knew she was genuine and felt the same way.

"I promise I'm good," I clarified, taking a sigh, "I just— Memories, that's all."

They questioned me no more and changed the conversation to lighten the mood. Gabrielle did most of the talking as we enjoyed our early dinner — something I definitely loved about her. She could talk for days and was extremely goofy. Her personality kept all of us going, and everyone needed a friend like her.

ANGELМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя