Chapter 9

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Okay, so this chapter is just chapter 8, but in Holden's point of view. Enjoy!

Holden's pov

"Why is she laying on the couch, Holden?" Vera asked me confused.

My blood boiled, at the thought of her wanting Claire on the floor.

"She's my pet, Vera. If I want her to lay on the couch, she will." I defended my pet.

I could tell Claire was happy with that response.

"Darling, I wish you wouldn't let pets on the furniture." She pouted, making me want to kick her out of the room.

"We're not bonded, Vera. I can do whatever I please." I responded coldly.

"Well, not yet anyways." She grinned and I mentally groaned.

She snaked her arms around my neck and started kissing me. I wasn't really into it at first, but thoughts of Claire intruded my mind and I began fantasizing that Vera was her. My arousal was growing fast, until I heard Claire cough. This broke me from my trance.

"Pet, go get cleaned up in the bathroom." I commanded, breaking the kiss.

She scrunched up her nose, obviously disapproving of everything.

"Yes, my lord." She responded sarcastically and headed to the bathroom, me watching her every step.

Vera would not stop. She had started to unbutton the blouse she had on. I would try to end the session, but she would just continue. I couldn't help, but think about my pet in the bathroom nude. My arousal growing more and more. I finally pushed Vera away, breaking up everything.

"What's wrong?" She pouted.

"It's my pet's first day here. I'm not going to entertain company, while she's trying to get used to everything." I explained monotonously.

"You're too good to your pet. They're only here for our amusement. It's not like you have to treat her good." She scorned, buttoning her shirt back up.

"This is my pet. I'll treat her however I please. Now leave, Vera. You can come back another time." I ushered her out.

"Fine, but we'll continue this next time." She winked and left my room.

I let out a sigh and went back to my work. My mind still wandered to my pet. Coming to the conclusion I wouldn't get any work done like this, I walked into the bathroom.

Claire had figured out how to work everything and was washing her hair. I stripped off my clothes, deciding to get in with her. She still hadn't seen me. I made sure my movements were quiet and walked into the bath.

"Do you need some help with that?" I whispered into my ear.

She jumped and turned around. She then immediately covered her eyes.

"Why are you in here?! Why are you in the pool-tub?! Why are naked?! Jesus Christ, I'm glad your lower half is under water!" She shrieked.

"I realized, I needed to get cleaned up as well. Why waste the water with a separate bath?" I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly.

"I'm sure you do need a bath." She paused for a second, "EW! You mean to tell me, your juices and her juices, are in this water now?!" She started to walk towards the shallow end of the bath.

I grabbed her and pulled her flush against my body, making sure she could feel everything.

"Does this feel like we had intercourse?" I asked, gripping her waist.

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