Chapter 25

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Claire's pov.

H.Stark: Did you get your com yet?

I couldn't believe the words on the com screen. My Zivel jumped down off my shoulder and onto the couch in the room, making circle before finally sitting down. I fell back onto my bed gently, holding the com above my face.

"How the hell did he get my com number already?" I wondered outloud. I quickly typed him out a message, afraid I had already kept him waiting long enough.

C.Price: How did you get my com number so fast?

H.Stark: I have my ways.

C.Price: Amira?

H.Stark: Yes.

I giggled and we talked this way for a while, completely forgetting I was mad at him earlier. He would have to put his com away, whenever Vera came around. I would wait minutes for messages from him sometimes, but it was worth it. At least we could communicate, even if it wasn't face to face.

H.Stark: You're going to the ball, right?

I pondered over if I should send something flirty or straight forward. I had decided flirty, but backed out at the last second.

C.Price: Yes, why?

H.Stark: Amira said Calvin wouldn't be attending. She didn't specify why. I was just hoping she wasn't excluding all pets.

"I need to back up Amira's story better or he'll know something is going on."

C.Price: Oh, Cal doesn't feel too good. He's been told to rest for a few days.

I hated lying to him, but I knew it was for the best.

H.Stark: I hope you feel fine.

C.Price: I do.

I stared at the com for a while. He wasn't answering back and I assumed the reason was Vera. I put the com on the little table beside the bed and got under my covers, cuddling next to my Zivel. It didn't take long for me to drift off to sleep.


"Claire, it's time to get up." I could hear Amira's soft voice through my slumber.

My eyelids fluttered open and my Zivel yawned, doing a cute little stretch. Amira turned her nose up at the creature.

"What's going on? What's wrong?" I rubbed sleep out of my eyes, while trying to sit myself up.

"Nothing's wrong, I just need a little help setting up for the ball." She pushed some hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear.

"Oh, alright. I'll get up and get ready. " I swung my legs over the side of the bed, getting up.

My Zivel jumped down and got up on the couch, making himself a new bed. Amira left my room, as I entered my bathroom that was conveniently connected to my bedroom.

After showering and taking care of my business, I went to the closet to put on an outfit. I found a pair of shorts in a slick material, along with a tank top to match. Once I was done getting dressed, I walked over to the bed and got my com. I swiped the screen, making it illuminate to life.

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