Chapter 21

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Claire's pov.

With my back against the wall and the window up, I sat on the very edge of the opening. The clouds were turning a dark purple, with some flashes of neon blue going across them. It looked like it was going to rain soon.

I leaned my head back against the wall, letting my mind wander. I hadn't seen Holden in three days. I had asked Amira about him everyday, but she had no news on his condition. I was willing to bet the King knew by now I was here, with Amira and Cal, and that's why Amira hasn't received word on her brother.

"That's not exactly fair to her though. She's his sister. They should care enough to let her know about her own brother. I would kill to know, if I had any siblings and they had been hurt."

"You look deep in thought," Cal's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Just a little," I watched Cal plop down and hang his feet off the edge of the building.

"A little high up, isn't it?" He peered over the edge, looking concerned.

"Scared?" I teased him and grinned.

"Nah, falling to my death is the least of my worries. The King finding out we've been sprung from our cells, however." He trailed off.

"I would like to think that he would have came for us by now, if he actually wanted to do something about us." I reassured him.

"He may not know we're here. I doubt the Queen told him anything. As far as we know, he probably thinks we just escaped on our own." Cal countered.

I let out a sigh, "This is a huge mess, Cal."

"Tell me about it," he paused and then leaned his shoulder against the other side of the building opposite of me. "How are you holding up though, Claire?"

I pulled my knees up to my chest, "I'm fine."

"Truthfully?" He asked, looking at me. "I know you had some kind of feelings for Holden. It has to be hard, not knowing how he is. I would be losing my mind, if I was in your position and it was Amira."

I rested my chin and continued looking outside, "I don't know how to feel, honestly. He can be incredibly sweet, when he wants to be and I love that side of him. Then there's this other side and it's just him being a díck. He'll treat me like an equal one minute and then like I'm property the next."

Cal patted my knee with his hand sympathetically. We sat and watched as the green rain finally broke free from the clouds, coming down in an ongoing pour. It definitely matched my mood.

"Amira marked me." He broke the silence.

"Pardon?" I questioned, hoping I had misheard him.

"She marked me." He restated, "You know, when they claim their mates." He rolled his sleeve up, showing me his forearm and it curled up towards his bicep.

"Oh my god," I whispered. "You haven't finished the process, have you?"

"No," he whispered. "She didn't mean to do it and we're still unsure what to do. If we don't finish the process, the effects are detrimental for her."

"Elaborate more, I'm still kind of confused on their mating process." I took his hand, looking at the mark on his arm closer.

"Okay, there's two separate parts to their mating process. The mark and then, ya know, the sex." He explained awkwardly. "Amira marked me and if we proceeded, we would be bonded. I can also deny her though, but I don't think I can do that."

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