Chapter 13

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Claire's pov.

"Oh, we haven't properly met yet. I'm Holden's sister, Amira." She replied calmly.

I choked and started coughing. What did I choke on? I have no idea, the air, my spit, a ghost díck? I really couldn't tell you.

"Are you alright?" She looked at me concerned.

"I'm fine," I got out, reassuring her. "Holden's sister?" I looked over at her, slowly regaining my composure.

"Yeah. Well, half sister. I'm, what you would call, a bástard child. Daddy cheated on mommy and here I am." She explained, leading me all the way back to Holden's room.

She let go of my arm and put her finger up to the pad next to his door. I actually got to watch the process this time. Holden had blocked my view from it previously. A tiny needle poked out and jabbed Amira's finger. I imagine it was for a blood sample.

"There's no way I'll be doing that."

Seconds later, the door slid upwards and we were allowed inside. I watched as Amira plopped herself down on the couch. She looked over at me and pat the spot next to her. Deciding it was probably in my best interest, I sat next to her. She grabbed my cheeks, turning my head from side to side. She also took the liberty of looking over my body.

"You're very exquisite, for a homosapien." She concluded, "No wonder my brother bought you."

"Thank you." I said the phrase more like a question, pausing slightly in between the two words.

"So, how has it been staying here with my brother? I don't understand why he has you at his office building, but I guess he could be still feeling you out." She rambled on, finally pausing for me to talk.

"She's a talker. I could use that to my advantage."

"Well, it's been a little eventful." I worded carefully. The last thing I needed was to upset his sister.

"Yeah, he can be a great pain. He's an entitled brat. Which, I'm guessing you've already figured out." She plucked, what I guess was fruit, out of the bowl sitting next to the couch on the stand. "Have you met Vera?"

"Briefly." I deadpanned, hating the sound of her name.

"A major bítch, right?" She laughed, "I can't stand the woman. She acts like she's the queen of our species, just because she's dating my brother." I watched her eyeroll and put another piece of fruit in her mouth.

"Yeah, I'm not a big fan either." I laughed nervously.

"You can trust me, you know. I'm not going to repeat any of this." She tried to convince me, putting a hand on my knee for reassurance.

"Why did you save me out there? You could have just let them take me to Hold- I mean sire." I quickly corrected myself at the end.

"Look, I don't believe intelligent creatures should be pets. You have a mind of your own and can make your own decisions. I also don't have any female friends. It sucks being the bástard child of the king and queen. My mother is a lower leviathan. She has absolutely no powers. So, because I'm technically royalty, I'm not allowed to associate with the lower leviathans. That leaves the royals of our species and they want nothing to do with me. I'm trash next to them, even though I have powers." She confessed and I could hear the hurt in her tone.

"I thought sire was the king." I asked, picking at a lose string on my outfit.

"He's acting as king for now, because our father is deathly ill. His mother could rule, but it's a lot to do by yourself. That's why, when our father passes, Holden will have to bond to Vera." She scrunched up her nose at the end.

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