Chapter 18

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Claire's pov.

"How are you even here, Sean?" Cal asked in disbelief.


I slowly turned around and saw the gun hidden in his oversized sleeve, hidden from everyone else. Sean had a gash on the side of his face and he looked like he hadn't taken a bath in days. I was surprised nobody noticed him. He stood out sorely from the crowd.

"You look like shít, Sean." I aimed for his ego.

"Bite me, Claire. Now move and get out of this room, but don't attract any attention." He ordered, aiming the gun.

"Alright, we're going." Cal held his hands up and lead the way out of the ball room.

We walked to the entrance of the building and stopped, "Keep going." He motioned for the door.

Cal lead us all outside. It looked like it was raining, but the rain was a bright green color. We walked out into it and it started pelting me, soaking my dress.

I was the one to stop and turn around to Sean, "What do you want from us? How did you even get here, Sean? If Amira and Holden know we're gone, they'll come looking for us. When they find that you've basically kidnapped us, they'll kill you."

"I managed to get away from them, at the auctions. I guess, they didn't expect me to fight back. I also had this gun," he brought it out fully. "It didn't kill them, but it did slow them down. It bought me enough time to find our ship. They hadn't tore it apart, yet. I'm getting us out of here and taking us all home. I'll be a hero, when we get back. I'll be able to have everything I've ever wanted."

"How did you know exactly where we were?" Cal spoke up, he was still holding his hands up.

"You being here was just pure coincidence, Cal. I didn't know where you were. In all honesty, I didn't care. If I brought you home and not Claire, I would have been in deep shít. No, I needed to find Claire. So, I took this from one of those brute looking aliens," he pulled something from behind his back. It looked like the shape of a gun, but it had lights and it was a little smaller. "I pointed this at them and that got them talking. I had one of them draw me a map and then I shot him with this. He went down pretty quick. So, you see, I'm not scared of whatever alien friends you've made. We're leaving, now." He grabbed my arm and tried to make me walk with him.

I pulled myself out of his grasp, "I can't go anywhere, Sean." I pointed to the collar around my neck, "Do you see this? There's a perimeter set for me. If I step over the perimeter line, I get shocked."

Sean looked at it, fury crossing his face. "Are you kidding me? This alien has you on a leash, like a dámn pet?!" He looked over at Cal's free neck, "Why don't you have one?"

"Different owners, different rules. I'm allowed to do and go wherever I want. Claire on the other hand, has a specific set of rules." Cal explained to him.

"Okay, take it off then." Sean reached for it and pulled at it, getting nowhere.

"You think I haven't tried that?" I scoffed, "Only Holden can take it off."

"You've got to be shítting me. Of course, they have the one person I need on a leash." He paused his rant, "So, you're on a first name basis with your captor now?

I shrugged my shoulders, "I'd rather be nice and hopefully live out my life, than be awful to them and possibly get myself killed."

Sean laughed, "Are you even hearing yourself, Claire? It's like you've given up all hope. Have you even tried to get away?"

I shook my head, "You don't know what you're talking about, Sean. You don't know them. You don't know what they're capable of, Cal and I have seen it. You're in way over your head here. Let us go, before you get us all killed." I begged him.

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