Chapter 7

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Claire's pov

"SOLD! FOR TWO HUNDRED MILLION GOLD COINS! CONGRATULATIONS, ON YOUR BUY!" The announcer's words made my heart plummet.

I was quickly escorted off the platform. The Zivel was taken from me and put in a cage.

"Hey! You can't just-"

"You don't give us orders. Now, come with us." I was cut off by a big menacing creature.

There was a sudden stabbing pain in my neck.

"What the hell?! What did you just do to me?" I grabbed my neck and rubbed it.

"I took the inhibitor chip, the one that takes your free will away, out of you." The creature responded with annoyance.

"Why?" I questioned.

I never got an answer. They grabbed my arm and lead me to what looked like a floating car. The Zivel was put in a seat in the front of it.

The big creature opened a door to the back. "Get in."

"Go to hell." I shot back.

"Never heard of it, but if you don't get in the hover, I'll make you." The creature threatened.

I slowly got in the foreign vehicle. Once the door had shut, you couldn't see outside of the vehicle. I wouldn't be able to see whoever, or whatever, bought me before they got in.

I heard some chatter outside of the vehicle. The words 'sire' and 'restraints' were standing out in my mind. The door on the opposite side of me opened up. I pushed myself as far as I could against my side of the vehicle.

A man stepped into the vehicle. An ACTUAL man, or something that looked like a man. The only difference being he had long silver hair and dark red eyes. He was very toned too. Muscles bulged from underneath his suit.

"If he were on Earth, he'd probably be a model."

I snapped out of the trance I was in and glared at him. "Come anywhere near me and you'll fúcking regret it."

The guy laughed. He fúcking LAUGHED.

"You're in for a rude wake up call, pet." He warned, his voice as smooth as silk.

"Why do you look human?" I questioned, not taking my eyes off him.

"I may look similar to your species, but I'm nothing like you. Our bodies are vastly different on the inside. I have a better intellectual capacity and can do things you'll never be capable of. I'm more powerful than most species you'll encounter." He gloated.

"Yeah, sure." I snorted, "You don't even look as scary as some of the species I've already seen."

I instantly regretted my words. His eyes changed to a purple hue and I couldn't move. Suddenly, I was moving against my will. I climbed across the seat and sat sideways in his lap. Heat was rising to my cheeks.

"If that didn't convince you, I can do much more than that." He whispered in my ear, petting my hair.

I shivered and he put something around my neck.

"You're going to wear this at all times, unless you're cleaning yourself." He instructed.

I was finally freed and reached my hand up to my neck. It was a fúcking collar. I probably looked like a dámn dog.

"There's more rules we need to discuss." He continued.

"Oh joy."

"You are to address me as Sire, my lord, or your grace. You may hear others call me differently, but you are never to call by anything else." He continued to play with my hair.

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