Chapter 30

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Claire's pov.

We all had piled into the hover, after changing clothes, with Holden in the driver seat. Cal gave up the front to sit in the back with Amira, leaving the front seat for me. There was a wall between the front seats and back seats, leaving no way for all of us to talk.

I looked over at Holden, who was silently paying attention to where he was going. The silence was thick, almost choking.

"So, what made you decide to help? At your place you seemed determined that this wouldn't work," I broke through the silence.

"My sister never really gets involved with these matters. I figured something must have happened for her to get involved." He replied nonchalantly, but I could tell there was another underlying reason.

"How much trouble would we be in, if we were to get caught?" I asked the question that had been dancing around in my mind.

Holden's grip tightened on the steering wheel, making his knuckles turn white. "The penalty would be death. My father won't be able to help us and neither will my mother."

My heart beat a little faster, "Is this worth our lives?"

He had a thoughtful expression on his face and he let out a sigh before answering, "The way I see it, my sister  and Cal will be caught soon. They'll put Cal to death and there's no guarantee Amira will survive that. Even if she did, they'd lock her up for the rest of her life." He slouched back in his seat a little, "My father tried to convince me to give up on the Queen and Princess. He made some good arguments, which I told you and Amira the night you came to see me."

"I believe your father doesn't want to lose power." I cut in, "I'm sorry, but he could always pardon some Leviathans and let them use invisibility chips to search earth."

"With what ship?" Holden harped back, "Our ships don't exactly look like yours. Humans would spot us in a second. Your ship is our only shot at finding them with no detection."

"Even so, your father could have sent out multiple Leviathans to find Sean and take our ship." I countered back, "He could be doing the same thing we are now."

"You make some great points, but my father would just want Sean and your ship destroyed. He wouldn't care about using your ship to find the Queen and Princess, because there's no guarantee they're even still alive. He's not willing to send Leviathans to another world on a rescue mission, if there may not be anyone to rescue. He would see it as a waste of resources." Holden explained turning the hover.

"You see it as he thinks it would be a waste of resources. I see it as he doesn't want to lose his position," I boldly claimed.

"Possibly, but I can't blame him. He's been in power this long. It's all he knows anymore," Holden brought the hover to a stop.

We were parked outside of a sketchy little building. It looked to be falling apart on the outside. The buildings surrounding it looked the same.

Holden got out of the hover and I followed. Amira and Cal had gotten out as well and were waiting to follow Holden's lead. He put the hood of his coat up over his head and walked towards the front entrance, knocking on the door seven times.

A woman opened the door and greeted him, looking over his shoulder at the rest of us. She jerked her head towards the inside, letting us know we could all come in.

I walked in after Holden, Cal and Amira behind me. The house on the inside didn't look much better from the outside. There was tattered furniture that didn't hover. They did however have a projection tv. It seemed to be the only electronic they had. It almost looked like I walked into a house on earth.

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