Chapter 5

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Claire's pov

I woke up to the sound of the bars opening and closing. I lifted my head and looked around. I was the only one left in the cell, except for a tiny creature in the corner. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I got up and stretched. All of my bones simultaneously cracking.

The little creature's eyes widened and it tried to back into the corner more. The little thing reminded me of a lemur, except it had six eyes, no nose, and big floppy ears. I wanted to pet it, but I also didn't want to risk losing a finger.

I went up to the neon bars, looking through them at all of the guards.

"I wonder if they've taken Calvin, yet."

"CALV!" I yelled out, attracting the attention of the guards.

"CALVIN, ARE YOU STILL HERE?!" I yelled again, causing one guard to come over to my cell.

They waved their hand and I couldn't speak anymore. "Might want to add 'noisy' to this one's profile."

The other guard laughed and they walked back to their post. I slumped against the wall, feeling defeated. I looked up, just in time to see Calvin walking by with a guard. He wasn't in his space suit anymore. Instead, he was dressed in an all black suit with thin white lines in the creases. His blonde hair was styled and it shimmered.

I jumped up and ran up to the bars. I started waving my hands, trying to catch his attention.

He finally looked my way. "I'm fine! They're taking me to the pit, I think? Good luck, try to get away, if you can. Goodbye, Claire!" He walked out of sight.

My heart broke into a million pieces. That was possibly the last time I would ever see my best friend. Tears started forming in my eyes again.

The little lemur thing crawled closer to me. I nearly jumped, when it started climbing up my body. It sat on my shoulder and started wiping the tears from my eyes. I scratched its head, with my fingers, and it made a purring sound.

"If I could, I would keep you." I told it and it snuggled into my neck.

We stayed that way for a while, until the guard came for me.

"Alright, put the Zivel down and come with me." The guard demanded, giving me permission to speak again.

I took the creature off my shoulder and sat it on the ground. "This is goodbye, little one. I'm sorry."

I scratched its head one more time and turned to face the guard. The little creature whined and wrapped itself around my leg. I looked back at the guard, afraid of what they might do to the poor creature.

"I've had enough." The guard pulled out something and aimed it at the creature on my leg.

"NO!" I grabbed the little one and pulled it close to my chest. "If you kill it, you kill me too. Then, you won't have a rare species to sale."

The second guard stepped over. "She's right, we'll just put them as a two for one deal. That's better, then both of them being dead and you getting in trouble again. The boss already thinks you're a hot head."

"Fine," the first guard put his contraption up, "get out of the cell." They grunted.

The creature moved itself to my shoulder and I walked out of the cell, passing the first guard.

The guard looked at the Zivel on my shoulder. "Disgusting creatures."

The little Zivel made a hissing noise at the guard. I stuck my tongue out too, in response. We followed the guard out of the cell room and down a corridor. The guard lead us into a room filled with, what looked like, clothes. Every piece of clothing looked extravagant.

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