Chapter 19

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Claire's pov.

"Now," the king said, sitting in a chair across from me, "tell me everything that happened tonight."

I fidgeted with my hands under the table, a nervous habit. "Well, Sean came up to Cal and I during the dance."

"Who is this Sean?" The king interrupted me.

"He was a person on the ship Cal and I were in, when we came into the galaxy." I explained, my heartbeat growing more rapid.

"Cal is my daughter's pet, correct?" The king folded his hands together.

"Y-yes." I stammered, nervous about what was going to happen to me.

"Okay, go on." The king waved one of his hands in a forward motion.

"Sean put a gun to my back and made us go outside. He also made sure we didn't draw any attention to ourselves." I went on, "He was planning to take Cal and I back to earth. He wanted to be seen as a hero to our people, for returning me."

"Why would he be considered a hero?" The king put emphasis on the last word.

"Because I'm the president's daughter." I blurted out quickly, earning me a confused look from both the leviathans sitting before me. "My father is like the king of my species, but only in a certain area. He only rules over a certain group of people." I reiterated.

"Could we get on to the part where my son got shot?" The queen snapped impatiently.

I flinched a little at her voice, "Yes, I'm sorry. I was trying to get Holden to go back inside and that's when Sean pointed the gun at Hol- Sire." I caught myself, "Sire was too far away to mind control him, so he knocked him down with his power. He went for the gun and that's when Sean shot him." My voice got, unintentionally, lower.

The queen's gaze looked murderous, "This is all your fault! He should have never bought you!"

"Felise, you need to leave." The king ordered.

"You know it's the truth, Arcos!" She argued, giving him a dirty look.

"Great, she hates me."

"Yes, but the deal was you would control your temper. I gave you a chance and you lost it. Get out, now." The king boomed, the room going slightly dark.

The queen got up from her seat and with one last evil look at me, she walked out of the room. It took everything I had in me not to stick my tongue out at her. The darkness subsided and the room grew brighter, after she left.

The room was silent, until I spoke up. "I never meant for your son to get hurt. He's been really good to me."

"I know you didn't mean any harm, but my son is still lying in a bed with a plasma wound in his shoulder. You also know the homosapien that shot him, that I can't ignore." The king pointed out. "I have no other choice, Claire."

My heart went crazy, "What do you mean?"

The king sighed and two guards stepped into the room. One grabbed my right and the other my left.

"Take her to a holding cell below. Do not tell Holden, understood? He needs to heal and rest. After that, I want you to get teams assembled. We need to find this Sean immediately." The king instructed them and my heart sank.

"You can't do this!" I yelled, without thinking.

"My dear, I am the king. I can do whatever I want." He waved his hand at the guards, "Take her away."

They dragged me down to, what looked like, a basement. I was thrown in a cell, like the ones at the auction place. The electrified bars were exactly the same. I had a very thin mat for a bed and a bucket to use as a bathroom.

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