Chapter 17

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Claire's pov.

It was the day of the anniversary ball and I was getting myself ready. I went through my underwear in the closet. There was no point in wearing a bra, the dress held everything nicely. I picked out a pair of underwear, grabbed my dress and went into the bathroom.

I began to put my hair up, finding these little clip things in the sink drawers.

"There's a better way to do that." Holden whispered in my ear. He reached around me and pulled a drawer open, revealing a wand like Greta used. "Just wave it and think of what you want."

I did as he said and my hair was put up perfectly. My face had on some makeup, but it was subtle.

"Oh wow," I paused, looking at myself in the mirror. "I wish we had these things on earth. Will this work with dressing me too?" I turned the wand over in my hand.

"Well, that one is yours. You can use it whenever you want. To answer your question, no. It won't work on dressing you. This one is specifically for cosmetics and hair." Holden took it and put it back in the drawer for me.

I turned around to face him, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He spoke softly, almost in a whisper. Our faces were inches apart and I could tell he was getting closer, trying to close the distance.

I turned my head away from him, scared I would get lost in the moment. "I should get dressed now."

"Right, I'll leave you to it." He seemed disappointed, but he left and gave me privacy.

I took in a deep breath and let it out. I was going to have to keep a straight head on tonight. We couldn't act like this in front of other leviathans.

I took my pajamas off from last night and changed my underwear. Stepping into the dress, I pulled it up over my body. I wished I had Greta's dress wand, that would have made things easier.

I walked out of the bathroom, picking my dress up to not trip. Holden came out of the closet, with black dress pants and a white button up shirt on. The sleeves to his shirt were rolled up, so you could see his forearms. He had on some black dress shoes to match.

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks, as he walked over to his bed and picked up his black jacket. The man looked like a god. I walked over to the couch and finished putting my shoes on, using the couch for support.

"Are we ready?" Holden held his arm out for me.

"I guess so." I took his arm and we walked out of the room.

He lead me towards the ball room, but stopped before we entered. "Pet, remember the flower I showed you in the garden? The one used to spike drinks?"

I nodded, remembering the little violet galaxy flower.

"Well, there's going to be drinks in there and they'll have those in them. Do not drink them. Make sure you look in your cup, before taking a drink out of it." He warned me.

"Okay, thanks for the heads up. I'll keep a close eye on my drink." I reassured him and he lead us into the ball room.

The decorations had all been set up. It looked really beautiful in the room. There were some people sitting, some  dancing, and some standing around. Holden lead me to our table and we sat down. Leviathans everywhere were staring at us.

I looked up towards the two thrones and Holden's parents sat there. They had their own little table in front of them.

"I need to go talk to them. I'll be right back. Don't talk to anyone you don't know." Holden gave my hand a squeeze, before leaving me at the table alone.

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