Chapter 4

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Claire's pov

Our ship getting hit, must have knocked me unconscious. I woke up in a strange room, with lights blaring in my face. A creature with four eyes, blue skin, and what looked like feathers for hair, stuck its face in my line of view.

I tried moving away, but my body refused to cooperate. No matter how much I struggled, I couldn't control any part of myself.

The creature muttered something in a different language, getting annoyed when I didn't understand. I watched as it walked away and grabbed something. Whatever it grabbed, had a long needle like base with a spark of light on the end of it.

They used it to pick a little chip up and came over towards me. I tried my hardest to kick and struggle, but my body stayed perfectly still.

The creature took the thing it grabbed and slowly inserted it into the back of my neck. I screamed from the pain and they took it back out. When I looked over at it, the chip was gone off of it.

"What did you do to me?!" I screamed out at them.

The creature looked back at me. "I implanted a language barrier chip, inside your brain. Now any language you hear, will automatically be translated into the language you speak. Can you understand me?"

"Yeah, I can understand you." I answered them.

"Good, that means it worked. Almost every creature, with a decent amount of intelligence, has the same chip implanted. That way, none of us have to learn the language." They went back to fiddling with some foreign utensils.

"Where am I? What happened to my ship? Where are the rest of my crewmates? Why can't I move?" I asked, not caring how many questions I was asking.

"You're at an infirmary that checks the well being of other creatures, before selling them. I need to check and see if you're healthy. Not damaged by radiation, from the attack on your ship. You can't move, because I've implanted another chip in you that takes away free will."

My arm suddenly moved by itself. "I control everything you do, for now. As for your ship, I assume it got scrapped for parts. That's what happens to almost every ship claimed by pirates."

"Are you telling me I'm going to be sold? To whom? You also didn't answer my question about my crewmates." I boldly stated.

The creature sighed. "You'll be sold to whoever the highest bidder is. I'm not sure who that will be. You may get sold to a collector of exotic species, or you may get sold to someone from a carnivorous species. I don't know what your future holds here. My job is to gather all the information I can about you, so they can create a profile for you. The more you cooperate and the more you tell me, the more you're most likely to be bought by someone who will keep you alive. As for your crew members, I'm not sure where they are. They could be in a different infirmary, they could have already been auctioned off, or they may not have survived the attack. You did sleep for quite a while."

Tears slid down the side of my face. The thought of Calvin being sold or possibly dead, made me want to scream.

"I'm sensing elevated distress patterns in your aura. Was it something I said?" The creature asked, cocking its head to the side.

"One of the crewmates I had, he was my best friend. The other guy, I didn't much care for. I just can't stand the thought of not knowing what happened to him." I confessed, sniffling and trying to blink the tears away.

The creature waved its hand and I could move my arms again. They gave me a piece of cloth and I wiped my face.

"Thank you." I handed it back to them.

Interstellar जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें