Chapter 28

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Holden's pov.

I slowly followed Claire back inside Amira's house. She was upset, that much was certain.

"She already knew we could never be together. I don't understand why she's so mad at my response." I let out a loud sigh, stepping back into the ballroom.

I scanned the area for Claire. Once I found her, I found she was attached to Vandor again. They were slow dancing and he had her held tightly to him.

"Why does she do this? She knows that I don't like him near her."

I started to walk towards her, but someone grabbed my arm. I looked over and Amira was holding onto me, preventing me from going further.

"Maybe it's best if you give her space." She suggested quietly, making sure nobody else heard.

"She knows I don't like her with him. He's just trying to get under my skin and make me slip up. I want her away from him," I mumbled back.

"Claire is a big girl, Holden. Besides, she looked really upset when she came in. Leave her be for a little bit." Amira pleaded, looking me up and down.

"Hmph," I grumbled and grabbed a drink off a tray nearby, guzzling the contents.

Amira smacked me on my arm, "You need to watch what you drink, from now on. You could have really messed up, Holden."

"I can control myself, Amira. Even when I've been spiked by a flower. Can you say the same?" I questioned slyly.

Her face turned bright red, "Is it that obvious?"

"No, but I'm your brother. There's not much you can hide from me. I doubt anyone here has noticed you've been bonded. So, who is the lucky man or woman." I asked, looking around the room and checking on Claire.

Amira bit her lip, "I can't tell you."

"Can't or won't?" I grabbed another drink.

"Both," she admitted.

"Will I ever get to meet them?" I tried to hide the hurt in my voice. It wasn't like Amira to keep secrets from me.

"Maybe, if some things change." She smiled lightly, but I could see some sadness behind it.

I continued to stare at Claire, watching Vandor's hands roam over her. My blood boiling at the sight of them together.

"It doesn't take a genius to see how you feel about her." Amira whispered softly, giving me a sympathetic smile. "Why are you fighting it?"

I sighed heavily, "You know why. There's absolutely no way we can be together." Claire looked over at me and I looked away, turning my attention to Amira.

"It shouldn't be this way. Our race will continue on, even if a few of us bond to creatures outside of it." Amira slipped up.

"A few of us?" I caught on, raising an eyebrow at her statement. I grabbed her by the arm and took her out of the room, "So, you bonded to someone outside of our species?"

"I-I I'm-" she stuttered and I stopped her.

"You're my baby sister. I'm always going to love you no matter what, but this is extremely reckless on your part. We mate for life, Amira. What are you going to do when he dies before you? Their lifespans are centuries shorter than ours. Do you really think you'll be able to survive, when he inevitably passes away from old age." I ranted on, trying to make her understand the gravity of her situation.

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