Chapter 20

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Dedicated to April1512 I'm not on my computer, so I can't do a proper dedication other than this. I'm sorryyyy. ❤

Holden's pov.

Pain was the first thing I felt when I woke up. I looked around to see I was in the infirmary. Sitting up in the bed made the pain shoot all throughout my body. As I swung my legs over the side of the bed, I made the alarms go off.

"Nice going, Holden."

A healer came in and shook his head, "You are nowhere near ready to get out of bed on your own." He grabbed my legs and put them back in the bed.

"I have to get out of here. I have responsibilities and a pet to look after. I'm fine, really." I pleaded my case, but the healer didn't look convinced.

"You need more rest. You've been out for three days. If you don't-"

"Three days?!" I cut him off and threw the blankets off of me. I started taking all of the medical equipment off of me.

"Sire, you need more treatment and more rest. You need to heal." The healer tried putting all of the stuff back on me, but I pushed it all away.

"I've had plenty of rest. I have things I need to do, like finding the man that shot me and getting back to Claire." I snapped, getting up off the bed.

I had to grab on to the rail of the bed, before I fell over and I hoped the healer didn't see it. A quick look over at him revealed he did, in fact, see me struggle. He crossed his arms in front of his chest in response.

"I would feel more comfortable healing the rest of the way in my room." I argued, still holding onto the rail for support.

The healer let out a sigh, "It's not my orders, sire. Your father is the one you should be having this discussion with. He ordered me to keep you in the infirmary. I, personally, see no problem with you healing in the comfort of your own room."

I pondered over the information given to me, "Well, where is my father? I'll talk some sense into him."

"I couldn't say, sire." The healer confessed, grabbing my arm and trying to get me to sit back on the bed.

"Well, I'm leaving anyways." I shook my arm, getting him to take his hand off of me.

"Actually, you're not." My father's voice called out, along with the sound of a door opening.

My eyes met his infuriated ones. If just our looks could kill, I would be completely dead.

"I'll leave you two to talk it over." The healer bowed towards us and took his leave.

"I want to heal in my room." I said after the healer was gone and stood tall, even though it hurt.

"Absolutely not, son. Do you not understand the severity of the situation you were just in? You could have lost your life! And for what? A human female that shouldn't mean anything to you!" My father boomed, my blood boiling hotter with every word he said.

"It would have been the same fate for anyone else that went out there! Probably worse! Could you imagine if Amira went out there and did something different? If she had, he would have shot her and she might have died! I'm glad it was me and not anyone else!" I countered, my head growing light from yelling and grabbing the rail of the bed again.

"That's not what happened though, Holden. It was you that went out there and it was you that got shot. Amira can't take over the throne, when I'm gone." He pointed out, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers.

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