𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 / 𝚏𝚎𝚊𝚛

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𝚃𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚍 𝙿𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

Klaus followed Amara for most of the night whilst she was in her wolf form. He made sure she didn't try to hurt anyone else. Luckily, no one was. All she really did was wonder around the bayou.

A few hours later, Amara turned back into her human form, unfortunately with no clothes on. Klaus had managed to grab a blanket whilst following Amara, knowing she would need it to cover herself up. Amara noticed Klaus come over to her and cover her up. She looked at him teary eyed.

"Did....did I hurt anyone? What's happening to me?" She asked. "W-what am I?"

"You didn't hurt anyone. First let's get you back and I'll explain everything." Klaus said.


Klaus brought Amara back to the compound where they were both met by Rebekah, Elijah and Kol, all surprised to see Amara covered in a blanket. Every time Amara seemed to return, something seemed to have happened to her.

"What happened?" Rebekah said, rushing over to check on Amara.

"She turned." Klaus explained.

"What?" Elijah and Kol asked, confused with what was going on.

"She turned into a werewolf. I'll explain later. Amara, you can go and get some clothes on. Then I'll talk to you properly." Klaus said.

Amara nodded and went to change. She was so overwhelmed with everything that was going on. She never really wanted to activate her werewolf curse. She was always so careful but now, it was too late.

"Niklaus, what is going on?" Elijah asked.

Klaus explained everything that happened when they left, all the siblings taking everything in.

"Nik, you're the only one that can help her with this. She's going to need as much help as possible. Her life has now changed forever." Kol said.


Amara had just finished showering and putting on a fresh set of clothes. She had no idea what was happening with her but she was determined to find out. She heard a knock on her bedroom door and looked up to see Klaus.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he walked in.

"I...I think." Amara said. "What happened to me?"

"Did you know you had the werewolf gene?" Klaus asked, to which Amara nodded. "And was it activated?"

"No." She replied.

"Okay. You went though the same thing that I did. I too carried a werewolf gene before I was turned. I hadn't killed anyone therefore I hadn't triggered it. When I was turned, I killed someone whilst feeding and that triggered the curse, turning me into a hybrid. My mother did cast a spell to keep that side dormant but I managed to break it. But more or less, you're a hybrid too now, like me." Klaus explained. "It comes with a few perks."

"I highly doubt that." Amara sighed.

"It's true. You can control when you turn so you don't have to turn every full moon. And when you do turn, it will be quick and painless. Also, your bite is toxic to vampires and the only cure for the bite is your blood."

Amara looked at Klaus, intrigued. Maybe being a hybrid wouldn't be so bad. At least she wouldn't have to suffer with turning every full moon.

"However, it could make you a big target to a lot of people. So I suggest you don't go telling everyone you're a hybrid. You're the only other hybrid in the world. You have the ability to kill other vampires with a single bite and they won't be happy to hear about that." Klaus explained.

And there was the downside.

"As for the blood lust, my siblings will teach you to control that. They teach your how to control your vampire side and if you need help with the werewolf side, just let me know." Klaus said, turning to leave when Amara called out to him.

"Niklaus." She said, making him stop and turn to face her. "I mean, Klaus. Thank you. For helping me tonight. I don't know how I would've handled it without your help."

Klaus gave her a small smile before turning to leave.


𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙽𝚎𝚡𝚝 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐

Everyone was gathered in the compound. Audrey and Liam has returned last night and were preparing to perform the locator spell. They had all the ingredients they needed to begin and find the last of the white oak.

Since last night, Amara had spoken to the witch couple about the creature she had now become. It fascinated her but she was excited. She felt so much power and strength within her and it felt amazing. She could hear the couple's heartbeats but was able to control her cravings since she had already fed in the morning. Rebekah has begun teaching her how to control the blood lust and she was a very good teacher.

Liam and Audrey began chanting the spell whilst everyone watched. Their chants got louder and louder before they gasped and stopped.

"What's wrong?" Kol asked.

"We need more power. We need to channel something." Liam said. "The white oak is a dark object. It wouldn't be easily found."

"Channel me." Elijah said. "I'm a thousand year old original. I'm sure I possess more than enough power." The pair nodded and Liam took hold of Elijah's hand as they began chanting again. Everyone looked down at the map and watched as the white oak ash had began moving. It kept moving and it wasn't stopping.

"The white oak. It's travelling towards New Orleans." Rebekah said.

"But how?" Elijah asked.

Klaus looked at the map, his heart sinking. His worst fear had come true. "Someone's coming to kill us."

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