Chapter 30

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Kat to the side!

Stella's P.O.V.

Titus growls and shifts into his wolf as Kaiden walks towards him. I stand away from them with Lana beside me. I turn to see Lacken and Sam both still fighting Peter. "This is madness." I say and Lana looks at me. I shift into my wolf and run over to help Lacken and Sam. Peter growls at me but doesn't attack. I growl and lunge at him. He step out of the way and I miss. I try again but he does the same. He won't fight me. I snarl at him and he growls back. He won't fight me! I say through the mind link to Lacken. Because he's in love with you Stella. She says. I look at her then back at Peter who is watching me. I look at Sam who is watching me as well. I look over as I hear a whimper. Titus is on the ground, Kaiden standing over him. Peter turns as well and I see shock on his face. Kaiden is growling in Tate's face. Tate turns his head, revealing his neck, showing submission. Kaiden backs off then turns to face me. Peter lowers his head as Kaiden walks towards us. Kaiden looks at me and that's when Peter jumps at him. Kaiden easily knocks Peter to the ground and growls in his face. Peter struggles to get up and bites Kaiden's shoulder. I snarl and run over and bite Peters neck, making him yelp. He releases Kaiden and I release him. Kaiden snarls in Peter's face again before chasing him out of the room and leaving a gash in Peter's side. I run up to Kaiden and lick his face. He barks at me and I back up and look at Lana and the others who are laughing. Where's Luke and Kat? Kaiden asks through the link. Luke got her out. Lana put a spell on them to make them invisible for a couple minutes. I tell him and he nods then turns to the other. Lets go home. He says and everyone nods. We leave Tate alone in the room and we go back outside. Alec runs up to us, in wolf form. Did you find her? He asks. I nod and he barks in excitement. She should be back home by now with Luke. I say and he nods. Let's go home. I look at Kaiden as everyone howls in agreement. The vampires read minds so they understand what we are saying and they cheer as we all howl. I was glad this war was over with Titus and Peter. We could go home and live in peace now.

We got home and I saw Kat and Luke waiting for us. I had already shift back to my human form and so had almost everyone else. When Kat saw us she ran to me and hugged me. "You're ok." She said and I laugh. "Titus submitted. It's over." I tell her as she pulls back to look at me. She looks past me at Kaiden and tackles him in a hug as well. I smile and then turn to Luke as he walks up. "Thank you for getting her home safe." I say and he smiles and hugs me. "I'd do anything to keep my mate safe." He said, looking at Kat as he spoke. She turn to look at him. "So I really am your mate?" She asks and he nods. "If you hurt her I will crush you like a bug." Kaiden growls which make me punch him. "I'd never hurt her. Even if she wasn't my mate I would never dare hurt her." He said with a small smile. "Kat!" Lacken, Aria, and Lilly all tackle Kat in a huge hug. Everyone laughs. I see Asher and Lana making there way towards us. Kat pulls away from the girls and runs to Asher, hugging him. He smiles and hugs her back. Lana smiles and looks at me. I feel Kaiden slide his arm around my waist. "I think this calls for a pack meeting." He says. I nod and he mind links everyone in the pack. "I would like everyone to gather around please!" He calls out as the pack members who didn't go to the battle started showing up. When everyone was here he got onto the porch to see everyone better. "First of all I would like to thank Jared and Steven, as well as the two vampire clans who assisted in the rescue of Kat today." He says. Everyone cheers and he continues once it gets quiet again. "I would also like to thank Lana for her help in this. We wouldn't have been able to do it without her. Though I do believe she plans on sticking around for quit a while." He smiles as he gestures towards Lana. Everyone laughs and cheers. Kat look up at me from where she stands beside Luke. I smile at her. I loved being able to see that face again, well she was a lot older now but she was still the same. "With all that being said, I have something even more important to say right now." I turn to Kaiden, wondering what else he could possible have to say that more important. I watch as faces me, he then gets down on one knee before me and pulls out a small black box. I cover my mouth as I gasp. He takes my hand in his. "Stella, I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in my entire life. You are everything a man could ever wish for. You are everything I ever wished for." He opened the box and I gasp again at the beautiful ring inside. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. With that being said, Stella Angelica Shay. Will you marry me?" He smiles as he finishes. I feel tears begin to form in my eyes as I smile with my hand still over my mouth. "So, will you?" He asks again. "Of course I will!" I say and he jumps to his feet and hugs me. I hug him back and I hear 'awes' all around the room. Kaiden pulls away from the hug and takes my hand again. He takes the ring and slides it onto my finger. I stare at it in amazement. "It's beautiful." I say. "I tried to find a ring that matched your beauty. This was the only thing close, but nothing can ever match you in my eyes." He says and I smile and lean up and kiss him. The whole courtyard cheers for us. We pull apart and I look down at Kat who is smiling and crying. Luke is holding her against him with a large smile on his face. I look around at my pack and the other packs and clans. We had Kat back, Kaiden and I were getting married, and we had allies always willing to help. Our pack was strong. I knew Peter would never give up, but I also knew that he would probably never interfere with my family again. My family, my pack, were never going to let him hurt us again. As Kaiden kisses me again I think of what our future will be. Maybe we will have children. Have our own little family. But for now, all I cared about was that all of us were safe and that hopefully. Life would be perfect for us after this day.

Hey everyone! It's sad to say there will be only one more chapter after this. Do you like how it's going? The next chapter will just be telling you some things that's happening with Stella and Kaiden.

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