Chapter 19

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Stella's P.O.V.

The car swerved and I held on to Kat who screamed. The car went back to normal and I look at Kaiden to see his smirk gone, replaced with a look of anger on his face. "What the hell?" We look to see Asher now awake and rubbing his head where he hit the window. "Sorry Asher." Kaiden said as his grip tightened. Asher's phone rang and he answered. "What the hell was that about." I heard from the phone. I laughed quietly. "Sorry dude, it was nothing just a little slip." I heard the other person say something then hang up. I look at Kaiden and he's glaring out the window. I sigh look at Kat who is staring at me. "Does he not like me?" She asked, thinking only I could hear as she glances at Kaiden. "No sweetie it's not like that.. he's just had a rough couple of days.." She looks at me and I see Kaiden glare at me from the corner of my eye. "Ok.." She lays her head on my shoulder as I turn on my music and we listen to the music.

We got to the house and Everyone went inside. "Stella!" I hear as I set Kat down and turn around only to be tackled in a hug by Aria. I laugh and hug her back. "You seem much better." She smiles. "I know. Jamie helped me." She blushed as she said his name. As if on cue Jamie walked in. "Aria you scared me half to death." He pulled her into a hug and she blushed again. I smiled. "Who's that?" Jamie pointed to Kat who was holding on to my shirt. "This is Kat, Kat this is my friend Jamie and his, girlfriend, Aria." She looked up at them and then looked at me. "Hi Kat." Aria smiled at her and held her hand out to the little girl. Kat took her hand and smiled. Jamie looked at me questioningly and I glared at him and he smiled and looked at Kat. "Nice to meet you Kat." He said and I nod. I wasn't going to let anyone hate her because she's human. The door burst open. "Alpha, Luna, Black Sky pack is here. They want to talk to you Luna." I froze. Kaiden looked at me, I could still see anger in his eyes. "I'll talk to them." I said. Everyone stared at me in shock. "Lilly watch Kat, I'll be back." I walk out the door to see 7 wolves from Black Sky. "Shift." I say an they do. I see Peter, Andrew, Sam, Titus, and 3 pack warriors. "What do you want?" I glare at them. "We've come to take back home." I growl as Andrew speaks. "I don't want to come back. This is my home now. My family, my pack." I look around at my pack and the new pack members. I saw Asher who was glaring at Peter. I look back at them and notice the look of hurt on Peter's face. I look at Titus. "Why are you here? You wanted me away from Peter, so I left, you should be happy." He looked away slowly. "I was wrong Stella." He said slowly. "Why? Because your brother now hates you?" I glare at him. "Have you forgotten what they did to you Stella? What that pack did to you?!" I look at Peter as he yells at me. "There's such thing as forgiveness Peter. I learned that. I will always love them." I say slowly. "What about James?! He raped you Stella!" I flinch at the name then glare at him again. "James is dead. He killed himself." I looked down for a moment then looked up to see their shocked faces. "Leave." I growled at them. "No, don't do this Stella. You know how much you mean to-" Peter tried saying but I stopped him. "Then stop caring. You said until I was ready for my mate. I'm ready for my mate. So leave." I growled at him. He growled back. "Stella!" I turn to see Kat running towards me. "Kat go back to Lilly I'll be there in just a minute." But she kept running, dodging everyone who tried to grab her. "Who is that?" Peter growled and I ignored him. Kat got to me and I looked down at her. "I don't want you to die like my other mommy!" She started crying. I picked her up. "I'm perfectly fine sweetie." I whisper to her as I hold her close to me. "Who the bloody hell is that Stella?" I turn to face Peter. "Watch your mouth. This is my daughter. If you must know I adopted her today when her parents died. Killed by rouges." I glared at him. He stopped growling. "She's human." Titus said and I turn and glared at him. "What's it to you, Blackwell." I growled. I hated him right now. He growled as I spoke. "I am an Alpha and you will treat me with respect." He said and I laughed. "I don't listen to you. I'm Luna of the strongest pack in the world." I smiled and he looked shocked. I rolled my eyes and turn my attention back to Kat. "I want you to go back to Lilly now. I need to speak to these men ok?" She nods and wipes her tears away as I set her down. She runs back to Lilly who is waiting at the door. I turn and face the Black Sky pack. "Get off our territory, or it's gonna get bloody." I growled lowly. "Fine, but our treaty with this pack in done. You'll regret what you did Stella." Titus said with a final growl then shift and ran. The others did the same, other than Sam. "I'll try to talk him out of it Stella... We really miss you back home though... Tell Lacken I said hey will ya?" I smile and hug him. "I miss you too Sam but my place is here, with my mate." He nods. "Sam!" I turn and see Lacken running over. She tackles Sam in a hug and he laughs. "I missed you too Buttercup." I laughed at his old nickname for her. The three of us had been best friends. I heard a growl and look over at Alec who was walking over with a very angry look. I rolled my eyes. "Jealous mate Lacken." I said and she quickly turn to him. "No, Alec don't hurt him. He was Stella and I's best friend. He's like a brother to me." Alec stopped but still looked pissed. "Sam go home, I don't want you in trouble." I smile at him and he nods before shifting and running off. With one last look at us, he leaves. I look around to see the pack staring at us. "Alright back inside!" I yell and everyone goes back to normal. I walk up to the house and realize I haven't seen Kaiden since I went outside. He didn't even come help me. He must be really mad for him not to help me. I walk inside and find Lilly and Kat sitting on the couch. I sit beside Kat and she looks up at me. "Lilly was telling me that her favorite Disney princess is Cinderella! What's your favorite? Mine is Elsa!" I smile. "I like Ariel, or Rapunzel." I told her and she smiled. "I like them too." She said. I heard everyone eating in the kitchen and look at Kat. "Are you hungry?" She nods and I smile. "I'll be right back." I look at Lilly and she nods as I stand up and go into the kitchen. I get a plate for Kat and take it to her. I go back for my own plate when I hear someone talking. "But what's so great about her? I mean, she did bring a human child into your pack without your permission." I heard from the hall and I look into the hall to see Kaiden with the girl from the party the night I got here. "Just leave me alone, I'm not in the mood to deal with your bullshit." I smile at his words. "Oh come on. Just admit that you're mad at her for bringing that thing into your pack." I was getting annoyed. "I'm sorry, who's pack?" I walk in and she looks at me with disgust. "Kaiden's pack." She sneered. "I'm sorry but last time I checked I was his mate, the Luna, of this pack." I glare at her. "Oh please, you're nothing." I see Kaiden glaring at her but he does nothing. It hurts me. "I can prove to you that I truly am something." I glared at her with so much hatred. "Then do it, bitch." She growled back. I turn and walked out of the house with her following. I smiled when I heard her shift. I heard her running and stood there waiting. Right before her claws touched me I spun and slammed her to the ground, shifting in the process, then pinning her. I snarled in her face and she bowed her head in submission. I let her up the shift back and then went back to the house. I saw Kaiden watching me but I glared at him and walked right past him. I went to Kat and Lilly. "Kat will you stay with Lilly for the day? I have some things I need to do sweetie." I smiled at her. She nods her head and takes my hand in her small ones. "Don't be sad." She said. I smiled and without another word I went upstairs and found one of the guest bedroom as far from Kaiden's room that I could find. I lay on the bed and broke down into tears.

Merry Christmas! Here is you Christmas present! An early update! Hope you like the story so far. Vote and comment what you think! I love you guys!

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