Chapter 15

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Stella's P.O.V.

James had Aria by the throat and she looked dead. I could still hear her faint heartbeat. "Give us the girl and you will live." Kaiden said calmly. "No! She's mine! You can't have her." He snarled loudly. "James, don't make me kill you, because I will." Kaiden spoke with all seriousness. "She is mine, my pet, nobody can have her!" He snarled. I looked at Kaiden then at my brother who was covered in blood and bruises. Ash nods to Kaiden who looked a little worried. James was not a good Alpha, this pack had become awfully weak and had lost many members. "James I don't wanna have to kill you. Just give us the girl and everyone goes free." Kaiden sounded more calm then I'd seen him before. I wasn't sure why he was so calm but also worried. "Never. You won't kill me." James was laughing like a lunatic. I heard running and turn to see Alister staring at James in shock and sadness. "James just let the girl go... don't you want to find your mate dude?" He asked James who growled. "My mate rejected me months ago! I have nothing left! She looks to much like my mate, you can't have her!" I gasped and so did everyone else. "I have nothing to live for! Nothing! Just kill me now! Kill me." James started crying. He dropped Aria who was out cold. "I don't want to be Alpha anymore! I step down and hand my position to Alister." James ran out of the room. Everyone was frozen for a moment until Kaiden ran over to Aria who was motionless. "We need to get her to our pack doctor now." He said and everyone nods. I looked at Alister who was frozen where he was. "Are you ok Alister?" He looked at me. "Was he serious?" He looked terrified. "I don't know.. Go to Lilly, I'm sure she's worried." He nodded and left. "She's still breathing but barely. Let's go now." I nod as Kaiden speaks and walk beside him as we leave the room and walk downstairs. I run ahead and see Jamie looking around frantically. "What's wrong?" I asked and he turn to me. "Mate, must find ma-" he froze as Kaiden came down with Aria. He stared at her and his eyes showed much pain. Kaiden stopped and looked at his friend. "Jamie?" He looked at me then I gasped in realization. "Aria is your mate.." I said and Jamie nods. Kaiden nods "Lets get her to the pack doctor Jamie, she needs help right away. I'll hand her to you in the car come on." We walk outside and Jamie quickly gets in the car and takes Aria in his arms. "It's alright now, I've got you." I barely heard him say as we closed the door. I turn to my brother who was still bloody and bruised. "Are you ok Ash?" I took his hand, he smiled at me. "Nothing bad, you should get going.." He sounded upset. "I'll come visit soon I promise." He nods and we hug before I get in the car and Kaiden speeds home.

We got back to the house and Kaiden ran over to help Jamie. Kaiden held her while Jamie got out of the car then took her back. We all ran to the pack doctor who was already waiting. "Lay her on the bed." Jamie did as Cindy said but stayed close. I could see the pain in his eyes. My phone rang and I stepped out of the room with a nod to Kaiden to say I'd be right back. "Hello?" I said as a question. "Stella.." I froze. "Ash what's wrong?" I asked quickly. He sounded different. "He... he's.." He didn't finish the sentence while I heard talking in the background. "Asher who? Who is he and what happened?" I was starting to get worried. ""Stella... he's dead.. J.. James is dead... he killed himself.... silver knife straight to the heart.." I froze. James was... dead? I had hated him my whole life but when he told us what happened I couldn't help but feel sad for him. His mate had rejected him, it makes me wonder who she is. "Stella..." I heard my brother's shaky voice over the phone. "Why..." I asked and he sighed. "He left a note... all it says is 'tell everyone I am sorry, I never meant to hurt anybody, I only wanted to get rid of the pain of loosing my mate. Tell Emily I love her. Sincerely James.'" I dropped to my knees. "He was a horrible person but he didn't deserve this." I said quietly. Asher spoke again. "Alister doesn't want to run the pack... He has asked me to do it but.. I can't Stell.. I just can't do it... I don't want the pack to fall but it already has... we had some pack member spot rouges in our territory just last week and they are starting to come closer.... I can't run a pack and Alister can't do it either Stella..." He was crying and I felt for him. "Ash I have to go... I'll call you back soon.. just keep everyone safe for now big brother..." I hung up after he said ok and I sigh and walked back into the room. Kaiden looked up with worry. "What's wrong Stella?" He asked. "He's dead.." Kaiden froze. "Who?" He asked. "James..i he killed himself..... silver knife straight to the heart..." I said slowly. Nobody spoke. we hear a groan and James was forgotten. I ran over to Aria and Jamie who was beside her. Her eyes flew open. "Where am I?" She screamed. "Aria listen to me. We got you out of there ok, you're with me, Stella in my mate's pack." I looked at Jamie who was staring at his mate with fear. "Jamie back up a little ok. She won't trust anyone at first, especially not men." He just nods and backs away to where Kaiden was standing. "I thought I was finally dead. Why didn't you let me die Stella!" She yelled at me and I flinched at her words. "Because your mate needs you Aria." She looked at me in shock. "No. I don't have a mate! I don't want a mate! They will just reject me like everyone else did." I see Jamie flinch from where he stood. I stared at Aria who was crying. "Aria listen to me. He won't reject you ok. Let him have a chance." She stares at me and nods slowly. "Jamie come here." He nods and starts walk over very slowly. Aria stared at him with fear. He was now standing beside her. "Aria.." He said quietly. She just stared at him with the same fear. "I won't hurt you, and I would never reject you." His voice cracked slightly. "R... really..." She asked and he smiled lightly with a nod and the fear vanished from her face. "Thank you.." She said where we could barely hear her but he heard her because next thing I know he is holding her in his arms gently. She was crying again but not from sadness anymore. I smiled and went to Kaiden. "We need to talk about James." He nods and takes my hand, leading me out of the room.

I wanna know you all's opinion on the characters please!

And here you go! This story is starting to do much better but I'd like to see some more comments from my readers! Don't forget to vote as well! :)

StellaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora