Chapter 25

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Stella's P.O.V.

I woke up with a huge headache. It was all just a dream? I sit up and look around the room. Kaiden is in a chair beside the bed asleep. I shake him and his eyes fly open. "Are you ok?" He asks quickly. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be? I just had a bad dream... Peter was there, and he took Kat. I tried to get her but there were to many of them." I look and see his eyes full of sadness. "Stella... that was not a dream... it happened... yesterday afternoon..." My heart drops at the words. It was real. My little girl was gone. I broke down then. Kaiden pulled me onto his lap and I sat in his arms crying for what seemed like hours until it finally stopped. "I've already called the 2 other packs we shared the treaty with. I told them everything and they are willing to help us Stella." I look up at him and nod. "Ok.. that's good.. we have to get her back Kaiden. I can't imagine what he might do to her." I say and my eyes swell with tears again. "I know baby I know. We will get her back I promise." He kissed the top of my head as he spoke. "I was supposed to keep her safe. I was supposed to make sure she stayed safe from this world." I cry even more. "Stella you couldn't control that love, this is not your fault ok I promise you we will find her." He said then pulled me even closer to him. I hated realizing that my little Kat was with Peter. I knew he had gone crazy and I didn't know what he would do to her. "Does Luke know?" I ask and look up at him. He shakes his head. "I made him go home when he came to get me. I told him he needed to tell his father to come at once because I couldn't get ahold of him through the pack link. I haven't seen anyone other than the doctor, Lilly, Alister, Asher, Jamie, Aria or Alec. Lacken came by once but it hurt her to much to see you this way." He said slowly. I nod. "I need to tell Luke. She's his bestfriend." He nods and helps me up. "I'm alright. I can walk." I tell him but he still hold on to me, leading out the door where we see Jamie and Aria sitting on the floor. "Stella you're ok!" Aria jumps to her feet with Jamie behind her. I nod slowly. "I need to go tell Luke about Kat." I tell them and Aria's face turns sad. I knew she had grown attached to Kat in the past year, much like Lilly and Alister had. Kaiden leads me out of the house and we make our way to Luke's parents small cabin. Kaiden knocks for me and a woman answers. "Alpha, Luna, what an honor. Is something wrong?" She asked, seeing the look on my face. "My I speak with your son, Lucas?" She nods quickly and let's is in. We see Luke's father laying on the couch asleep. He fought well against the pack when they attacked. "Luke honey you have a visitor!" The woman calls and down the stairs come Luke. He's smiling when he sees us but it disappears when he sees Kat is not with us. "Where's Kat?" He asked me. I got down on my knees to see him better. "That's why we're here sweetie. You know that man that attacked us in the woods before I sent you to get help.." I ask. He nods, clearly not understand what I was about to tell him. "He took her. She was kidnapped by those people." I wait till what I said registers in his mind and he breaks into tears. "You have to get her back! What if they kill her? What if he hurts her!" He cried out and I pull him into a hug. "I'm just as scared for her life as you are Luke. We have packs coming to help us get her back ok? I promise you we will get her back." I hug him and he nods against my shoulder. "Well at least she's not dead.... or hurt..." I pull back and look at him questioningly. "What do you mean sweetie?" I ask. "Me and Kat, we have a connection because we're best friends. I can tell if she's sad, or hurt. I would know if she was dead." I look up at Kaiden and smile then look at Luke's mother who realizes what this could mean. "Maybe that will help us keep her safe ok. If you start feeling anything I want you to come and let me know alright?" He nods and I stand up. "We need to get going but if he asks to see us at all. Please let him come over to the pack house anytime." I tell her. "Of course, Luna." I growl and she laughs. "Sorry, Stella. I forgot." I nods and then we leave. I hate the feeling I have in my heart as I let my mind wonder to if we will ever find Kat again.

We get home and there are people everywhere. I don't recognize the scents at first and realize it must be the other 2 packs that came to help. Kaiden left my side and walked over to 2 men, Alphas. "Thank you both for coming. This means so much to us." He told them. I walk over. "Is this your mate?" One of the men asks as he looks down at me. "Yes. Jared, Steven, this is my mate Stella." He introduces. I hold my hand out and shake both their hands. They smile but I don't. "Hello Stella, my name is Jared Holland and I am Alpha of Blue Harbor pack." I nod to him as he speaks. "And I am Steven Jacobs, Alpha of Moonlight pack." Both seemed quiet young. Maybe the same age as Kaiden. "I am so happy you came." I tell them and they both smile. "We'd do anything to help an old friend." They look at Kaiden who smiles. I nod. "So who are we looking for?" Steven asks, looking back to me. I pull my phone out and show him my lock screen. It was Kat just a few weeks ago standing beside Luke laughing and smiling. "The girl. Her name is Kat and she's human." I tell them and they look shocked but nod. "I've got a tracker. She's amazing at her job and would love to help." Jared tells me. I look at him. "Who?" I ask and he smiles. "Eve." A girl comes over. She looks about the same age as Kaiden. "This is Eve. Our tracker, and my mate." He smiles as he shows off his mate. She has long beautiful blonde hair and green eyes. I smile at her and she smiles. "I've heard a lot about you already Stella. I've been talking to your pack members." She says and holds her hand out. I shake it and nod. "Well I guess some have a lot to say. Hopefully you haven't spoken to my demon of a sister." She laughs at that. "I don't believe I have." She says. "Good, she doesn't have nice things to say about me." I tell her and she laughs again. I turn to Steven. "Do you have a mate yet?" I ask him and he smiles. "Yes. She should be around here somewhere." I see a girl walking up behind him. She's smiling at us and holding her finger to her lips. I smile and nod. She jumps onto his back and I see how small she is compared to him. We all laugh and Steven growls playfully. I watch them and look at Kaiden to see him staring at me. I smile at him and he pulls me closer. We were having fun for now but I was sure war was coming. I wanted Kat back and is do anything to get her back to me.

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