Chapter 28

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Alister, Lilly, Asher, and Lana to the side:)

Stella's P.O.V.

"Mate." Asher growled. I smile and look at Lana who looks shocked. "Well that's new." Kaiden says with a smile and looks to me. Asher walks up to the stage to Lana who is frozen. She looks up at him with a scared look in here eye. He looks even more terrified. "Do you accept me?" He asks with worry. I stare at Lana, waiting for her reply. "I.. yes. I accept you." She says and his scared look turns to excitement. The whole room stared claping and some wolves cheered. I was just glad my brother finally found his mate. "Now if you hurt her I swear I'll castrate you." I growl at my brother and everyone laughs. He nods. "I promise I'll never hurt her." He says and looks back at her. Lana smiled. "So what's your name?" She asked him. "Asher. Asher Shay." He said. She looks at me with wide eyes. "Are you brother and sister?" She asked. "Yes." Asher said as I nod. "Wow ok then." She said with a laugh. "Oh great Asher found his little mate, how touching." I turn to see my wicked sister glaring at us, her mate beside her. "Why can't you be happy for him like everyone else? You know how precious mates are to us. Hell you have one so you should understand it." I growl. "Oh please. We love each other yes, but we aren't sappy love struck puppies." She laughed and her mate, Jack, laughs as well. I hear a small growl as Aria steps to my side. Her brother growls at her. "Why not go back to being a sex slave Aria, that's where you belong." He smiled as he spoke. Jamie snarled and was in front of Aria. "Speak to her like that again and it'll be the last words that come out of that mouth." Jamie growled at him and he smiled. "Oh yeah, forgot my little sis found her mate too. To bad she'll never be worth anything more than a little toy." He smirked at that and Jamie launched himself at him. Kaiden was in front of him before he could attack. "Don't sink to his level J." He said and Jamie growled but went back to Aria. Kaiden turn to Jack and Jessica. "You listen to me very carefully. My pack saved you, my pack brought you in when you could have died, my pack gave you shelter and food and a warm bed to sleep in. Jamie is my third, which means he and his mate both are above you. Stella is your Luna, she is above you. Hell even Asher is above you because I actually fucking like him. You are here because I wasn't going to abandon anyone. If you ever disrespect another member of this pack again I will kick you out. Got it?!" He snarled the last part. His Alpha voice radiated all across the room. "Y.. yes Alpha." They both bow and then run off. Kaiden turns back and everyone starts cheering. I smile and look at Aria who is smiling. I look back to see Lana and Asher talking quietly. They'd be nice together. Kaiden slid his arm around my waist and kissed my head. "Nice going mister Alpha." I say and he smiles. "Let's get back to the important stuff." He says and jumps back up on the stage. "Congrats both of you, but we need to stay focused. Kat could be killed if they find out we've got an army." He said and everyone nods quietly. Asher came over and stood with me. "I can disguise some vampires to sneak over and get into the place." Lana said and everyone looked at her. "Any volunteers?" Kaiden looks toward the vampires." About 6 rose their hands. Kaiden nods and motions them forward. "Thank you." He tells them. I notice one is a younger girl. Maybe 15 if even that. "I will cast a simple spell that will fade when you come back to this house. It will disguise your scent and will make you seem like you are one of them. I still don't advice you let them see you. This spell doesn't change appearance." Lana explains to the vampires who all nod. "Alright, I ask you to figure some things out for us. Ways we could sneak in and take them by surprise. I will have my beta Alec show you where we found their hideout." He looks to Alec who nods. "Whenever you are ready you may start. Till you return we will be training anyone who wants it." Kaiden says before stepping off the stage. The 6 vampires follow Lana out of the room and Asher and Alec follow after them. Lacken walks over to us. "I don't know what's going to happen.. I have to fight my brothers...." She says and Aria looks at her. "If they attack you then it's obvious they don't care." She said with a small growl and we all laughed. Aria wasn't scary, her growl was not scary whatsoever and it always made us laugh. Kaiden came over and put his arms around me. I turn to him. "We're finally getting out little girl back." I said with tears in my eyes. He smiles and pulls me into a hug. "Yes we are and she's going to be perfectly fine. I know she will." He says so only I could hear. I pull back with a smile and I look past him and see Luke talking to his parents angrily. "I'll be right back." I tell Kaiden and he frowns but lets me go. I walk over. "No. You are not going to the fight." His mother growled. "Yes I am! I'm old enough to fight. I can't let them go in and get Kat without me!" He growled back. "She is not your mate Lucas. You don't need to rush in and save her, that is the pack fighters jobs. I will not allow you to go into a fight you may not come out of!" She yelled. I stepped in. "Excuse me is there a problem?" I ask. "No Luna Stella. I was just telling Lucas that he is not yet old enough to join in on the battle." His mother told me. "Why not? He's at the top of the class in his training class. I believe he is well beyond ready." I tell her and she gasps. "He is?" She asked and I nod. She turns to her husband who nods as well. "Well... I suppose if the Luna believes you are ready then.. you may participate." She says and Luke smiles. "Thanks mom!" He hugs her and she laughs. I take that as my moment to leave and I go back to Kaiden. "Everything ok?" He asks. "Yep now we just wait I guess." I say and nods. Hopefully the vampires would find us an easy way in and we'd get our little Kat back. I was going to do everything in my power to get her back to us. Even if that meant killing old pack member to do it.

Only a few chapters left till I end this book. It's been great writing it:) Please vote and comment, it makes me happy when you guys do!

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