Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Stella's P.O.V.

I woke to a loud crash downstairs. I jumped out of bed only to be pulled down again by a sleeping Peter. I shook him awake. "Peter what was that?" I turn to face him. "It was probably just Andrew and Tate wrestling or something. Go back to sleep." He grumbled and I glared at him. I heard the crash again but this time it came with yelling. "Peter.." I was scared. I heard the yelling again but this time it was louder. I heard footsteps. "Theyre coming up the stairs... Peter.." I then heard Tate's voice yelling at Andrew. "You idiot! Get outta here I'm going back to bed!" He yelled. I looked over at the clock to see it was only 4:00am. I sighed and felt my empty stomach. I still haven't ate anything. "Peter I'm hungry.. Can you get me food?" No answer. He was out. I growled lightly then thought of an idea. I placed my hand on his shoulder and slide it down his chest then back up slowly. I heard him growl. I did it again but as I got to his chest he grabbed my hand and his eyes snapped open. "You might wanna stop that." He growled with an evil grin and I laughed. "I was trying to wake you up." He growled and closed his eyes. "Its to early." He groaned under his breath. "But I'm so hungry. Peteeeeer please." I begged and he growled. "Can't you wait till morning?" He laughed. I sighed and lay back down and stared at the ceiling. "I haven't ate for 2 and a half days....." He suddenly bolted out of bed. "Why didn't you tell me that? I would have got you food when you got here!" He jumped out of bed and picked up bridal style. "I'm ok Peter.... I can walk on my own." He didn't budge. I sighed and lay my head on his chest as he carried me downstairs. We got to the kitchen and he sat me on the stool before pulling a pot out of a cabinet. "You like pasta?" He filled the pot with water. "Of course! It's my favorite even though I rarely ever ate it." I said quietly. I watched as he pulled out a bag of pasta and he put some kind of white alfredo sauce in another pot. I watched him carefully. "You having fun staring sweatheart?" He smirked at me and I blushed. "I might." I smiled nervously and he continued cooking. When it was finally done he took out two plates and filled them before handing me one. I immediately started eating. "This is the best food I've ever had!" I said then continued eating. He laughed. "I learned from the best. My mom. She runs her own restaurant in town. We should go there sometime" He smiled at me and continued eating his own. Did he just ask me out on a date? I looked up at him and he was watching me. "Did you just..?" I stopped and he laughed. "Ask you out? I dont know, maybe." He winked at me and I laughed. "So is that a yes or a no sweetheart?" He smiled at me. I acted like I was thinking about it. "Well I'm not sure. I've only known you for what? A couple hours?" I smirked. "Exactly why I'm only asking to go out to dinner. Maybe even a movie?" He looked at me, hopeful. I laughed. "I'll possibly think about it. You are cute so it might be worth it." I shrugged with a smile and mentally high fived myself. He looked frustrated. "Please? I will do anything just to have one date with you." He smirked and I laighed. "Oh really? Hmm, well how about this. I will go on a date with you if, and only if, you, one; take me shopping for new clothes, and two if you cook this for me for lunch tomorrow." I took another bite. It was so darn good! "Deal and deal, beautiful." He winked at me and I felt my face heat up. "Ok then." I said softly and giggled. "Yes!" He jumped out of his seat fist bumping the air but tripped and fell. He stood up quickly and I saw his cheeks practically glow red. I giggled and put my plate in the sink. "Nice going romeo." I winked at him. His face lite up even more which made him look so cute.

Wait did I just say that? I though I was heartbroken from my mate rejecting... me...

Thanks for the reminder Stel...

I'm so sorry Lex..

Its ok.... maybe this boy... can help us get over our lost make...

Yeah.. maybe...

He is cute though.

I know right?!

He is looking at us funny.

He probably doesn't know what I'm doing. I will talk to you about this later Lex.

Ok have fun!

I will.

Sure enough he was looking at me funny. I laughed. "Sorry I was talking to my wolf, Lexa." He nodded in understanding. "Ok I thought so but I wasnt sure. Thats a really pretty name, Lexa. Your name is just as great though, Stella." He smiled which made me blush again. Lexa purred at the compliment. "She likes you. She thinks you are cute." He laughed as I said it. "Why thank you. Called cute twice in one day. Awesome!" He winked and I smiled at him. "Lets get back to bed." He looked at the clock. "Damn we've been talking for an hour." He laughed and I smiled back at him. "Guess that's good isn't it?" I laughed which made him smile. "You have a beautiful laugh sweetheart." He was staring at me. I froze and blushed. "Thank you.." I turned away to hide my face. "Hey that's not allowed sweetheart, no hiding whatsoever." He put two fingers under my chin and pulled my face up to look him in the eyes. He had bluish silver eyes and they lite up when he smiled. "I like your eyes." I said then froze. "I didnt mean to say that!" I blurted out. He laughed. "You are adorable. Its ok, I like your eyes as well they are a deep hazel color." He kissed my cheek. "Lets head back up to get some sleep." I nodded.
He led me back up to the room. "Hey Stella?" He said as we sat on the bed. "What?" I looked over at him. "The top five packs are all signing a treaty in five months. What are you going to do when you see your old pack again?" He looked at me with concern. I sighed. "I want you and Tate to teach me to fight. I want the strength of an Alpha. I want to be able to protect myself." I looked away as I spoke. "I'll teach you everything I know and I'm almost positive Tate will too." He pulled me back to lay down and I smiled. "Thank you thank you thank you!" I hugged him tight and he laughed at me. "No problem sweetheart." and with that I drift into the best sleep of my life.

Not sure how everyone likes Peter but let me know? Also please vote and comment!

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