Chapter 14

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Stella's P.O.V.

We got to the mall and he led me in. He turn to me. "Where to first?" I smiled and look around. I started pulling him to different stores throughout the mall. He groaned as I pulled him into about the 5th store. "Oh hush you decided to agree on brining me here." I teased and he just glared with a small smile. I was walking around the store when my phone rang. I answered it. "Stella?" It was Kaiden. "Yes?" I heard him sigh in relief. "Just wanted to check on you and tell you that we have a party in a few weeks and you will need a dress. I thought since you are out you could find one." I smiled as he spoke. "What kind of dress? I asked and he sighed. "Something fancy, people will be dressed like they are going to a prom." I thought for a moment. "Ok thanks Kaiden." I hung up and turn to Jamie. "I have to find a fancy dress for some party in a couple weeks." He nodded. "I figured that's what it was about. I have to get a tux for it." I nod and turn to look around. I wondered through the store then froze when I saw it. The dress was black and mint green, it had slits in the upper back and another slit up the leg. I grabbed it and made sure it was my size. "That would look beautiful on you miss." I turn and saw a woman smiling at me. "Really?" I asked. "Oh yes, I saw your boyfriend come in with you, I'm sure he'd agree with me." I shook my head. "He's not my boyfriend. He's just a friend." I said quickly and she nodded with a smile. "I am sorry I was mistaken, would you like to try that on dear?" I nod and she leads me to the try on area. I went in and put the dress on. I was amazed, it suit me perfectly. I walked out and saw Jamie sitting there waiting for me. He looked up and smiled. "Kaiden will be speechless." He said and I smiled. "That's what I was going for." He nods. I went back and changed back into my clothes before going back out and paying for the dress. Jamie got his tux as well. We went to a few more stores then decided it was time to go home. I made him listen to some 5SOS songs which he didn't mind. We got back to the house and we carried my many bags inside and up to the room. Kaiden was standing in the room with another man when we walked in. The man turn and saw us, he smiled and bowed his head to me. "Hello Stella, nice to meet you." He held his hand out and I took it slowly. "My name is Joseph, I am Kaiden's father." I stared at the man in shock then bow my head. "It is an honor to meet you." I smiled at him. He had been the one to get this pack to number one years ago. "Oh don't be that way with me, after all, you're my son's mate." I smiled as he spoke. "I just came to check on Kaiden and pack stuff. I need to head out now. Nice meeting you Stella." He left and I turn to Kaiden. "Ready to go?" He asked and I nodded. Jamie set the bags down beside the other bags I had set down. "Am I going with you?" He asked. "Yes, I'm leaving Alec with the pack and want you to come along. "What about us?" We all turn to see 2 little girls standing in the doorway. They looked at me and smiled big before running and hugging me. "Why didn't you tell me you found your mate Kaka?" The little girl with black hair asked. "Yeah Kaka why didn't you tell her?" Jamie smirked as he spoke and Kaiden growled. "I was going to tell you but I've been busy Amie." She just ignored him as she let go of me, as did the other little girl with blonde hair. "Hi I'm Amie, I am Kaiden's sister." Said the little girl. "And I'm Emily! Jamie's little sister!" Said the blonde. I smiled at them both. "Nice to meet you, does Alec have a little sister as well?" I asked and Amie answered. "He does, but she's older than us, we are both 11 and she is 14, she is with her mom right now but we can introduce you later." She smiled. "That is very kind of you, thank you." I turn to Kaiden. "We need to go if we wanna get back at a decent time." I said to him and he nodded. "I wanna go!" Amie and Emily both said and I sighed and looked at him. "No girls, we have to bring someone back and if you go there won't be any room. Sorry girls." They both frowned. "Fine." They said at the same time then stormed out of the room. "We need to go, I don't want her there any longer then she has to be." I walked downstairs with both of them following. We all got in the car after Kaiden spoke briefly to Alec. "Should we expect a fight?" Jamie asked from the back seat. "No, my brother or Alister would have let us know." He just nods. I turn up the radio as the song 'Amnesia' by 5 Seconds of Summer came on. I was singing the song softly. "You have an amazing singing voice." Jamie said when it was over. I laughed. "Thanks, I was in choir at the old school I was at. I love music and art." I smiled. "Well you're an amazing singer and I would love to see your art sometime." I just nod. Kaiden seems strangely quiet but I don't plan on asking until we are alone.

"Get ready we're here." Kaiden spoke an hour later when we arrived at the Howlers pack house. I sighed and stepped out of the car. Jamie and Kaiden stood at my sides and Jamie kept glancing around. The door opened and Alister and Lilly came running towards us. "Thank the moon goddess you're here, James is on a rampage, he broke down Asher's door and started beating Aria, he had pack fighter around so that nobody could get him Away from her... She's in really bad shape... James is still steamed and won't let anyone near the girl..." Alister spoke quickly and I growled. I ran into the house and followed the scent. "Jamie stay down here and make sure everyone stays down here." Kaiden told him and he nodded. Kaiden and I ran upstairs and followed the smell of blood to Asher's room. Asher was growling at James who was being protected by guards as he held Aria by the throat. All growling stopped when we entered and James looked terrified as he stared at us. This would be interesting.

You'll find out what happens to Aria in the next chapter! Tell me what you think:) I only have one person commenting so I'd like to see if some other people will comment? Please do! Vote as well if you like it!

Also her dress to the side!

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