Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Stella's P.O.V.

~~~A month and a half later~~~
I heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yelled and looked up to see Tate walk in. I set my book I had been reading down. "You're going to hurt my brother." He growled which made me jump. "W... what do you mean.." I backed away from him. "Peter finally told me what happened between you two out in the woods that night. You agreed to be his girlfriend when you know you will go back to Kaiden eventually. Why did you do that to him?" He glared at me which made me flinch at his words. "I.. I didnt want to hurt him by saying no... besides he knows we cant stay together... its only a matter of time before the mate bond starts growing.. its not like I made him fall in love with me. He knows what will come. You shouldnt be mad at me. He asked me so I said yes. Stay out of it Titus." I glared at him now. He looked at me, shocked. I had never really called him by his real name. He was like a brother to me from the day he saved me. I never thought we would ever fight. "I swear to the moon goddess Stella, if you hurt my brother-" I cut him off. "What? You'll hurt me? You'll kill me? Kick me out of your pack?" I glared at him. "I just better not see him get hurt. I had to see him go through the worst pain in his life when his human mate died. He finally found somebody he cares about after 2 damn years and she wont even be able to stay with him." He growled. I glared at him. "He new what he was getting into the moment he asked me to be his girlfriend, stop trying to run everyone's lives! You can't make people not be around eachother. Peter knows what he got into from the second he kissed me." I growled back. "Well what about when you kissed him again?" He glared at me. "Why does it matter to you so much? Why cant you just shut up and let us live our lives the way we want! Get away and let us be Titus!" I was screaming now. I felt him slap me across the face and I fell to the ground. I cant believe he just slapped me. "You will not speak to me that way again! I am your Alpha and you will do as I say! Stay away from my brother or else!" He growled which made me flinch. "Tate ple-" He cut me off. "Dont call me that again. Call me Alpha or just Titus." He growled at me and walked out, slamming the door on his way. I sat for hours after that, crying, and trying to figure out what to do. I couldnt just disobey him... he was my Alpha. I had no other choice but to break up with Peter and avoid him at all cost.

In the past month and a half Blood Rose pack had become even more powerful. I heard they had taken in 3 or 4 packs that had been almost destroyed because of rogues. Maybe that's why Tate was so angry. He would forgive me.... right? He might not though. I had to end things with Peter now. I quickly text him and told him I was on my way to his room. He text back immediately saying ok. I walked slowly to his room, passing by Tate on my way. He must have realized what I was doing because he didnt stop me, just glared. I got to Peter's room and knocked on the door. He opened the door and let me in. "Hey sweetheart." He tried to kiss me but I turned my head so he kissed my cheek. He pulled away and looked at me with a sad expression. "Whats wrong?" I sighed. "Peter... I'm breaking up with you..." I looked away from him. "But.. why? Are you going back to Kaiden?" He sounded hurt. "No.. its just that.. when I do leave... I dont want to hurt you even more than I would if I end things now.." I lied. He must of bought it. "Oh.. I... I guess I understand... but.. it doesn't have to be like that Stella. I'll be ok when you leave to go back to your mate. I dont want to have to see you everyday... not knowing when you will be leaving yet having to be without you. I can't see you alone when you could have me...." I looked up and saw him staring at me with tear filled eyes. "So you're saying... you dont want to look at me everyday not knowing when I'll leave here. Not having somebody...." I said softly. He nodded. "Peter... I cant see you anymore... at all..." I said slowly, remembering what Tate told me about staying away from him. "No! I refuse to let you do that unless you are leaving!" He was crying now. "Peter I dont have a choice!" I was crying now as well. I cant believe Titus was doing this to me. "No! I wont let you do this Stella!" Before I could reply he stepped forward and crashed his lips to mine. When I realized what was happening I push him away. "Peter we cant do this anymore...." I backed away from him. "I told you I wont let you do this Stella!" He was trying to hold back more tears. "I have to go.... maybe.. maybe I'll talk to you about this tomorrow..." I ran from his room, ignoring his calls for me. I bumped into someone and fell. I looked up and saw Sam. "Stella whats wrong?" I stood up and pushed past him. "Stella wait!" I ignored him and ran into my room, slamming the door behind me and locking it. I knew what I had to do now. I pulled out a very large suitcase and put all my things into it. I take it to my car and got in. I looked up at the house I had lived in for so long. I saw Tate standing in the front yard watching me. I rolled the window down. "Goodbye Tate... I will miss you...." I looked up at Peter's window and saw him look out. He saw me and he spun around. I quickly started driving away. "I hope you're happy Titus!" I yelled as Peter got outside and I sped away. Peter had shift and was following my car but I only sped up. Stella dont leave! What did Tate do? I will kill him for this! I ignored Peter's questions as I kept driving with tears running down my face. Stella come back! Sam yelled. Stella dont go without saying goodbye! Andrew. Dont leave us! So many pack members were yelling through the link. I passed the boarder and everything went silent. I was no long a part of the Black Sky pack...

Tate is an ass, right? Lol hope you liked the chapter don't forget to like and comment!

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