Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Stella's P.O.V.

I woke up in a sky blue colored room. I sat up from the giant king sized bed. I looked around the room. It was huge. I stood up and walked around till I found the bathroom. I looked around and stared into the mirror covering the wall. I stared at myself and noticed how terrible I looked with bruises covering my arms and legs. I started crying. "No wonder why my mate didnt want me. I'm ugly and weak." I spoke to myself. I fell to the ground only to be caught by two strong arms. I looked up with tears in my eyes to see Titus looking at me with concern. "You aren't ugly Stella. You're beautiful." I froze in his arms. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." He pulled me to my feet. "Well anyways. Wanna meet my family and some other pack members?" He asked. I nodded slowly and he smiled before handing me a bag. "These are my sisters clothes I thought they might fit you better than my shirt." He laughed and I nodded. "Thank you, Alpha Titus." I bowed my head. I felt him put a finger under my chin and lift my face up to look him in the eyes. "Never call me Alpha again angel. I prefer not too be called that by my pack members." He smiled softly and I nodded. "Yes Alp- I mean Tate." He laughed as he walked out the door with me standing in shock looking after him.

I got dressed into the nice clothes and went downstairs slowly. I stopped when I heard talking. "You have to be nice to her guys she is very shy." I heard Tate talking and I walked in with my head down. "Hey Stella. I want you to meet my family." Tate came over and pulled me towards them. I looked up to see 7 smiling faces. One being Sam. "Ok so you already know Sam and I which Sam isnt related to me but he is still like a brother. Well these are my parents." He said pointing at the two older people. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell." I said quietly. "Oh sweetheart call me Sallie! This is my mate and husband Jeremy." She hugged me and I smiled. I turn just as Jeremy tackled me in a bear hug. "Oh I'm so sorry Stella. You will be treated better here I promise." He said and I laughed a little. "Its ok. I survived 4 years of it." I said quietly and I watched all the smiling faces turn to sadness. "Well um Stella this is Andrew. My twin brother. We look nothing alike though." He pointed at the bleach blonde haired boy who had copper colored eyes. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "I'm 19. Same as my idiot brother." He winked at me. "Well anyways. This is Lacken. She's only a year younger than us and Peter there is her twin. Again they look nothing alike." I looked over at the girl with bright unnaturally red hair and the boy with blonde hair that had blue streaks. "Hey! We're going to be such good friends!" Lacken tackled me with a hug and Peter laughed. "She likes hugging people but so do I." He winked at me then hugged me as well. I laughed at him. "I'll keep that in mind." He looked at me shocked then smiled again. "Stella this is Sarah. My little sister. She's-" "I'm 6!" She cut in and looked up at me with a big smile. She had curley brown hair and she had the same eyes as Tate. "Well hi there." I smiled and bent down in front of her. "Can I ask you something?" I said with a smile. She nodded with a huge smile. "How annoying are all these boys?" I winked at her and I looked up to see Tate, Andrew, Peter, Jeremy, and Sam holding there chests like they were heartbroken. "Feeling the love Stel." Peter said dramatically. "Oh please!" I laughed. I was suddenly tackled by Tate and Peter. I was laughing so hard I could barely stand as they were tickling me. I suddenly yelped in pain and they froze. "Stella what's wrong? " Tate sounded scared. "Nothing.. I'm fine dont worry." I lied. They weren't convinced. I was suddenly lift off my feet and I looked up to see Peter carrying me. "Peter I'm fine really." I said as I winced again. His eyes were black with anger. I noticed we were now in the room I had woke up in. He slammed the door and then put me on the bed. "Spill." He said. I backed away. "What do you mean...." I looked away from his black eyes. I felt him pull my face to look at him. His eyes were back to normal. "Tell me Stella." He looked like he cared but I had been through so much. Could I really trust him enough to show him? I sighed. "I dont want you to freak out Peter." I had tears in my eyes now. "I want you to tell me Stella. I need to know so we can help you get through this." He held my face in his large hands and leaned forward where we were only a few inches apart. I stared into his eyes and was frozen as he kept moving forward. He jumped away right before his lips touched mine. "I'm so sorry Stella! I was just.... caught up.. sorry." He looked away as his cheeks practically grow red. I smiled nervouslyand walked over to him. "It's ok Peter... it's alright..." I put my hand on his shoulder. "I'll show you what it is." I said quietly. I watched as he turn to face me with a sad look. I sighed and backed up before lifting my shirt up and over my head to reveal my back and sides. I was still covered by my sports bra. Peter looked at me in shock and then his eyes turned black. "Who did this to you?" He growled. I was crying again as I sat back on the bed. "My father... the Alpha... the Alpha's son... everyone other than my brother..." I felt his warm hands on my back. I looked up at him to see his eyes were back to normal but he looked sad. "Come here." He said softly as he pulled me closer and on his lap. I cried as he held me against his chest. He pulled a blanket around me as he lay me on the bed. "Everything will be ok angel. Get some sleep." He got up to leave by I grabbed his arm. "Will you stay here with me?" I asked so quietly I thought he didn't hear me. He turn back towards me and smiled softly. "Of course I will." He pulled a chair over but I shook my head. He looked at me, confused. I moved over and pulled him on the bed beside me. He laughed. "Alright hold on I'm gonna go change ok?" He smiled and I nodded. I lay there till I heard the door open then close. I look over to see Peter with only sweatpants on. I stared at his chest until he got to the bed and I looked up at him. "You like what you see?" He smirked. "Maybe..." I said quietly. He laughed. "Nice to know you like it." He winked at me and I blushed. He slid under the blanket beside me. I felt his arms go around my waist gently. "Get some sleep ok. I'm right here." After that my eyes finally shut and I fell asleep.

Hope you like this chapter! Who likes or dislikes Peter? Opinions on him?

So she has scars, anybody actually surprised by that though? Her life was kinda fucked up. Tell me your opinions and ideas I'm willing to take some!


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