Chapter 27

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Luke to the side!!

Stella's P.O.V.

Everyone was running around the house while we tried figuring out what to do about getting Kat back. Apparently they didn't know we were on to them yet so maybe they wouldn't move her for a while. I was still in shock and Luke and I were watching everyone when I stood up. "Everybody shut up!" I scream and everyone froze. "This is getting us nowhere! We need to contact more packs, even some vampires." I say and everyone looked shocked. "Lets surprise them while we still can. We need more than what they've got. I'm going to visit an old friend. Alone." I look at Kaiden as I say the last part and he growls. "No you're not." He says. "Fine, I'll take Luke." I look at Luke an he stands up beside me with a nod. I know Kaiden wants to argue but he knows I'll win. "Start contacting some nearby vampire clans that you know. I need to get going now. I'll be home in a few hours." I say, grabbing my keys and phone and walk out the door with Luke behind me. We get in the car and are on our way.

After about an hour of driving we finally get to the house. We step out and go up to the door. Before I can knock the door opens. "Stella?" I smile. "Hey Lana." I say and she pulls me into a hug. "Where have you been?" She asks. I had met her in a club when I was still in Titus' pack. She was about my age, maybe a year or 2 older. "We should go inside to talk about this. Luke here is a kid from my pack." I tell her and she nods and lets us both in. We go inside and I tell her the entire story. She was mad at Titus like I was and she was even more upset about Peter. "So you think you could help us out?" I ask her and she smirks. "Of course I can. You won't find anyone better for the job." I laugh at that and she smiles. "Wait so what are you? You're not a wolf, unless your scent is masked." Luke says and I look at him and smile. "Show him." I tell her. She held her hands out and suddenly every candle in the room lite up. "I'm a witch." She said and put the candles out. "Wow, I've never met a witch before." Luke says and smiles. "I wouldn't think you had. There aren't many of us left." She said and he nods in understanding. "So when do I come?" She asks. "You could come with us now." I say and she smiles. "Alright I'll get my things." She runs to another room leaving us in her living room. "So you've known a witch this whole time and never asked for her help?" Luke asks me. "She can't track. I figured she wouldn't be able to help with finding Kat, only getting her back." I explain to him and he just shrugs and nods. "Ok I'm all ready to go." Lana walks back into the room with her things. "Here I'll take that for you." Luke stands and takes her bag. She smiles. "Oh aren't you so kind, thank you Luke." She says and he nods with a smile. "I'd like to drive my own car. I'll follow you there if that's ok." She says, looking at me. "No problem. Let's get going. We should get back before it gets to dark. I say and we go out to the cars. Luke puts her bag in her car then gets back into my car where we start our short journey back home.

We got to the house with Lana shortly behind us. I ran inside before them to go find Kaiden. He was sitting in the kitchen. I smile as walk over to him. "We're back and brought help." I say and he looks at me questioningly. "Who?" He asks. I hear growling and turn to see some of the pack fighters growling at Lanna. "Oh please I could kill you in an instant." She rolls her eyes at them as she speaks. I smile. "Lana come over here and meet my mate." She looks over to me and smiles and makes her way over. I see Luke set her bag down and come in with us. "Kaiden this is Lana. Lana this is my mate Kaiden." I tell her. She holds her hand out and Kaiden shakes it. "Nice to meet you Alpha." She bows and he looks shocked. "What are you?" He asks. She smiles and turns to see questioning looks from other pack members as well. I see Jared and Steven with Eve and Iris. I wave them over and they come to see what's happening. "Ok show them." I tell her. I watch as she thinks for a moment then steps away from everyone. She begins speaking in a strange language and a ring of fire forms around her. I stare in awe. Everyone gasped and then the fire was gone and she stepped back towards us. "You're a witch!" Eve gasps and everyone laughs. "Yep. One of very few in this state." She frowns. I knew she hated being the only witch around here. She needed more friends. "You're gonna help us?" Kaiden asks. "Of course I am." She said with a smile. He nods. "Good, we'll need you." He says and I nod in agreement. "I called and found 2 vampire clans willing to help us out." Kaiden tells me and I nod. "When will they be here?" I ask. "Should be here any minute now." He tells me and I nod. As if on cue we here a knock on the door. Someone opens the door as Kaiden and I make our way over. They stand in the doorway waiting to be invited in. Vampire can't enter a house without being invited inside by the owner of the house. Once invited in they may enter and leave the house as many times as they wish. "Come on in, everyone." Kaiden says and the all begin walking into the house. Not everyone fit very well so many stayed outside. Some went to patrol with our pack members. Luke was with his parents across the room while me and Kaiden stood on the small stage. "Alright. We know where they are, we know we need to fight. We have called in 2 vampire clans in this area, each consisting of over 100 vampire who are willing to fight beside us. We don't know how many packs or clans have come to help Black Sky pack but we are hoping that 3 packs and 2 clans will be enough for us. We also have a very large advantage. Lana come up here please." He looks down to where she is waiting. She walks up onto the stage. "This is Lana. A friend of Stella and a witch willing to help us." He says. A growl comes from across the room and I look to see my brother staring at Lana. "Mate." Asher growls.

Ash found his mate! And she's a witch. Hope you like this chapter. Tell me what you think please and don't forget to vote!

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