Leirion turned in an instant, forcing himself between a narrow passageway of two ships before rising to the centre. Rhaenar could see Euron, and he could see her as they glared at one another. The men were slow to load the crossbow, Rhae smirking as Leirion hovered between them. "Dracarys."

A large jet of fire burst from him, her eyes watching as it rippled against the Hull of the ship, blooming into a fiery ball. The wood caught alight, travelling like wildfire as it engulfed the ship, travelling up the sails as the fabric caught alight. Euron jumped into the water, rendered useless as he was left to tread the water beneath her. Leirion moved away, Rhaegal flying in to burn those that surrounded them.

She could see the Crownland ships were in touching distance now, leading the way was the teal and white Seahorse, fluttering proudly in front of a smaller armada. Rhaenar grinned, bolts turning from the two dragons to the ships as they sailed in.

Rhaenar and the Dragons could move on, head to King's Landing rather than continue burning the fleet that was becoming swamped by other ships. Leirion raised them, falling back as Rhaegal followed suit of his brother, their spines rippling as they grew surrounded by smoke. The smell was a comfort to her, the salt of the water mixing with the ashy scent of the burning wood.

Below her she could make out the bodies, some with burns, others clearly alive. They mingled alongside each other, desperate to get from the burning ships that threatened to fall into the water. The feeling settled deep inside of her, Rhaenar's shoulders falling slightly as their screams echoed into the air. It had to be done, despite feeling guilty. She had to kill her enemies in order to win the war; Jorah had warned her before, and now it was coming true.

Blood was on her hands, like it always had been. Turning from the scene below, Rhaenar looked over to King's Landing, her destination. Already Aegon and Rhaenys were weaving expertly between the arrows being fired their way, but by doing so, they were struggling to burn the crossbows that seemed to be stationed all the way along the city gates.

Leirion knew where to go before Rhaenar did, sneaking silently as well as a large dragon could as he stuck to their blindspots, using the expansive cliffs the city sat on to hide Rhaegal and Leirion. From below, she could hear the chatting voices, men scrambling to move the huge arrows into the bows. There were archers too, set to defend the men.

Rhae bit down on her lip, unsure on what to do. They had the advantage at least. The indigo found the cream of Rhaegal. "Take the other side." She urged, the dragon slinking along the wall like a lizard as he clung to it, not risking the disturbance of the water. Leirion did the same, folding his wings into his body before hooking his claws into the soft rock and crawling.

It felt odd to sit on the back of him as he crawled on the rock, Rhae clinging to the plates rather than the chain as gravity threatened to throw her to the choppy waters below. His claw sunk in, the rock giving away as a short startled whine left Leirion, his claws struggling to cling on. "Ah." A groaned slipped Rhaenar, worry filling her the more he failed to cling to it, her head turning between her child and the sea.

There were a few feet left, easy to climb if he could get the right footing but Leirion was struggling. His wing rose again, digging into the stone as he pulled himself up. With one more try, they'd be up and over. Rhaenar patted his neck, he could do this. Leirion took the encouragement, giving a last little push with his wings as they crawled up. The men cried out. "Turn. Turn. Turn!"

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