Leirion was climbing still, reaching closer and closer to the white cloud above them as he broke through, the cold vapour clinging to her skin as her hands numbed. Hopefully the clouds would give them the advantage, dodge any weapons that may be incoming their way. Rhaenar knew they'd be focused on the dragons, and she prayed the armour would be enough to deflect many of them.

They had kept the dragonglass on, hoping the faucets would catch in the light and reflect back in the eyes of the men, giving them more time. As the clouds grew to be below them, Leirion flew forward, Rhaegal at his tail as the two took the skies.

By now, the Greyjoys would be able to see the Crownlands fleet, the one Cersei failed to recognise as a power as a fleet of 700. Admittedly almost half the size of Euron's, but Rhaegal, Leirion, and the ships could handle it. Even from up here, she could hear the sounds of men rushing to man the walls, of scared civilians being told to take to the homes and lock up. They were preparing for an attack, which meant more people would be flooding into the Red Keep.

Knowing she would be over the fleet, her back straightened, her hands pressing to Leirion's neck as she glanced over at Rhaegal who was free of a rider. This would test them, test their ability to not only see what was coming towards them but having to dodge it. Rhaenar nodded, Leirion shifting as he began to nosedive down, Rhaegal following a beat behind.

The wind whipping past them deafened her ears, her hair flying like a cloak of pale white as it joined alongside the deep red cloak she had thrown over one shoulder. With the rage of Visenya inside her, her eyes locked onto the ships, their men crying out as their eyes raised to the blinding sun.

With a burst of speed, the pair rushed forward, a bolt charging through the air as her eyes widened. Leirion tilted, turning them to the left as the huge bolt sailed past, falling into open air behind them. More ships were reading them, men in front getting ready to release. "Dracarys." Rhaenar instructed, throwing her chin up as anger took hold of her features.

Even though they weren't in touching distance of the ships yet, the two dragons followed the commands before lowering themselves further, soaring over the masts of the ships. The red hot jets of fire hit the ships, burning the wood as men scrambled to jump from them and into the choppy water below. Water bubbled high into the air, knocking the ships around them as their crossbows failed to lock onto their targets.

Rhaegal flew right as Leirion used the left to turn, both turning to burn the ships in their path as her eyes focused for Euron's. He wouldn't get out of this, not if she could help it. Euron was in the centre, his ship holding a large red eye as he fired again.

A bolt soared between the air, heading for Rhaenar and Leirion. She knew her dragon had noticed it, his white eyes focusing on the thin metal as his body dived down, Rhaenar pushing against him as it shot the air where they had just been. She could see the chipmunk that was Euron, a smirk on his face as his men readied up the device again.

That was the ship she needed to hit, he was the main one perpetrating them. Huge arrows were coming from all angles as they just slipped past them, using their wings to climb higher and move faster than anticipated as the wings furrowed back in.

Rhae gasped as Leirion was forced to take a fast right, her body slamming into the edge of the seat as she struggled to keep on. With arrows the size of herself, she knew she needed to keep tight to him otherwise she'd be pulled off and lost to the sea below them. With another burst of fire as they kept close to the water, Rhaenar looked for the Crownland ships, finding them edging ever closer. "The kraken." She instructed Lei, pointing towards the largest ship.

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