"Be okay." He whispered, his walls coming down. "Be okay for me, Rhae." And Rhaenar trembled beneath his arms. "They have to pay for their mistakes Rhae, they have to pay for what they've done to our family, all of them. We have to do this, you and I; because I can't do this without you, I can't do it alone." Aegon muttered dejectively. "And if we do this, I need you to be you; because your advisors will see to it you're taken off that throne as fast as you were put on it, and I don't want to think of a life without my sister."

She shuddered with a sob, shaking her head. "I can't." Rhae whimpered.

"You can. One last fight, and we're done." Aegon promised. "You're strong, you can do this. It'll be you, me, and Rhaegal up there. We'll take to the skies just like Aegon did."

A hand reached out, clutching onto him. "One last fight?" He nodded. "Okay..." A smile was brought to his face as he pulled back, turning her to look at him fully. She was so tired, so weak, but once she got some rest in her and was able to mend herself, she'd be okay again.

"I've had a bath run for you, it's waiting in your room if you want it." He mumbled. Rhae nodded, ashamed as she was unable to meet his eyes. For the most part, they were quiet as they took the corridors through to the private chambers, Aegon respecting Rhaenar as she was slower in her movements.

He was quick to instruct the maids around him, asking them to fetch food and clean clothes for Rhaenar, along with a change of sheets. The coat she had worn had been stripped from her as soon as she got back to Dragonstone, burnt away from the castle so she couldn't torture herself further with the sight of the rich blood against the fabric.

Aegon gently guided her into the room, pushing open the door before letting her into the steaming bathroom. The steam rose from the copper tub as she focused upon it, her lips pursing as her shoulders rolled. "I'll give you a moment alone." He told her, Rhaenar nodding.

With slow hands, she pulled back the black fabric of the robe, letting it drop to her ankles. Rhaenar hadn't felt the warmth of the water against her in a long time, her hand reaching forward before plunging into it. It was soothing to the skin, biting with the heat before she pulled back, gripping onto the copper and lowering herself in. Her legs flushed with red at the scalding temperature, the shade rising the more she sunk within the water; letting the vanilla take her.

Her eyes fluttered shut, her head resting back, as the knotted strands of white dipped into the water. Slowly, the water worked upon the tension she carried, easing at the muscles. Rhaenar let out a sigh. "Is that better?" Aegon asked, stepping back into the room but keeping his eyes up as she turned slightly, her body hidden by the edge of the bath.

Rhaenar nodded. "Thank you, Egg." She muttered, her voice lighter than before as she watched him. He'd let his hair free, the crown falling to one side. She'd never seen him without the braid in, of it being left free and long as it danced around his waist. It made him younger, less fearful as his hand reached up, ruffling through it. Rhaenar reached out, her hand left to the cool air as she opened her palm wide, inviting him to take it.

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