Chapter 35: Crush

Start from the beginning

But all of it stopped suddenly and it wasn't the time to rest on its laurels.

The moment my heart beat a little unsynchronised with the harmony of the moment, he'll know.
The forest had its own melody and I had to be in phase with it.

Slow breathing, slow heartbeat, and no movement allowed.

I was in symbiosis with the flowering three.
Nothing could get me out of this state.

Even the sight of a big wolf cautiously entering my hiding perimeter.

His paws were almost caressing the ground as no sound could be heard.
It was still hard to focus, Volker was so cute.


I knew that he could smell my scent on this area. Fortunately, I had the time to rub myself a little everywhere around this area.

Volker stopped moving just a little near a Bush where I put all my jewelry.


What was I seeing there? Did he really have to do that?

I didn't saw but he had my black laced thong between his teeth that wolf.
Did he really have to?

Nothing really happened until I heard bones cracking, he was shifting back.

The sky might be dark but nothing was concealing his mouth-watering body.

I shouldn't enjoy the show but it was way more than tempting.
His back was heaven, the last time I had my hands on it, he had his head buried in my torso and...

His head tilted towards my tree but I knew he couldn't see me so why was he grinning.

He took my lacy undergarment that he left on the floor and started talking.

"Babe, it was smart to hide your nice fabrics. I didn't fall for the bra but I did for this little thing that I have in hand."

He knew I could hear. But he still didn't know where I was exactly.
I had to stay calm.

"It wasn't long till I found this spot, I won't lie, your smell was everywhere making it hard to know if you were really here. I promise that you would have won but you forgot a certain detail that makes you lose every single time."

Gosh, he knew. He walked right where I was and started kicking the poor tree.
Out of balance, it didn't take long for me to fall but I was caught.

"Found you, mate."

My hands were around his shoulder and he was holding me like a princess.
I hated it but I wanted to know how could I have lost.

"How did you-"

He pecked my lips to stop me.

"You can dissimulate your smell to anyone even your mate but you can't hide your arousal."

The statement was signed with a smirk that made me to crazy.
I directly get off of him and hid my rosy cheeks.
I couldn't believe it happened.

While I was calming my thoughts he was laughing his ass out that idiot.

"Stop it!"

How could he openly laugh about it?

"Come on, it was my naked body wasn't it."

I didn't want to face him anymore, and my eyes darted somewhere they shouldn't once again.
That was all for me I was ready to make my way back to the packhouse.

Before I could make any more steps, he came by behind me and held me against his toned figure.

"It's natural, you turn me on too."

He didn't need to precise it as I felt his wood was right on my ass.
My gown was the only fabric between our two skin, preventing us from any monkey business.

His lips find their way to my neck and his hands to my shoulder. I felt his finger trying to disrobe me so I turned around.

We were face to face and he didn't waste a second to push me against the nearest tree.

I was his prey and he caught me. Now, that he knew I couldn't escape all he has to do was to eat me before it was too late.

The need between my hips intensified and his lips came in to kiss me. I was ready to accept my fate but something was bothering me.
Hence, I put my hands between our mouths and pushed a bit.

"Tell me, who was that girl?"

His eyes grew big as if he didn't know what I was talking about.
Moon goddess to the rescue, she graced him with answers.

"Who?! Max?!"

He was dumbfounded but so was I.

"Yeah, your crush."

When he said that.


Thank you so much for keeping up with me.
It's been so long but here I am and for a long time so please continue to support me.

Love you all.

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