Chapter 56 Pt 2: Reunion

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So today wasn't our last tomorrow

Hana P.O.V.

My breathing became rigged as I heard footsteps. And then there he was, stealing my breath and the last warmth in my skin. He stood there, hands in his pocket, head titled to the side as he smiled.

"Renjun." I whispered under my breath. He smiled at me, opening his arms. I stared at him, my brain unable to comprehend the fact that this wasn't the Renjun from the last picture in my phone. This was the Renjun in real life.

I shook my head, an unbelievable smile creeping up.  My brain couldn't formulate a thought, at least not one based in any language, and if I don't touch him soon someone would tear us apart again. I ran forward, adrenaline pumping through me. I was going to full speed crash into him, but let it be.

The warmth of his body meets my cold skin, giving me hope like he always did before. I buried my face into his broad chest as I wrapped my arms around his body. For the first time in a whole year, he was back. One of his hands clasps around my lower back, the other strokes my hair. Still the same soft touch I knew. With each soft touch, more tears fall.

"Hey, hey. Look at me. I'm here, why are you crying." He hoisted my chin up, gently wiping away a tear with his thumb. I shook my head, not able to wipe that smile off my face.

"Stop crying, it's too cold-" His words were cut off abruptly as I threw myself into his embrace tighter.

"Time passed, yet nothing changed. You still smell the same." He whispered softly.
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I won't let anyone hurt you now."

I want to speak, I wanted to ramble off about the whole year without him. I wanted to smack him in the face. I wanted to blame him for leaving me all alone. But all the anger and blame towards him disappeared, all I can do is force incoherent sentences out.

"I missed you. Don't go. Don't leave me alone again." I sobbed between hiccups. I looked up and eyes the pink ends of hair sticking out under his beanie.

"You dyed your hair."
"You like it?"
"I love it, just like you."

His mouth paints a soft smile and he laughs once before folding me in his arms again.

"I'm sorry Hana, please forgive me. I won't leave you again."


"Smile big babies!"

"Johnny! -ooomf-" Before I knew it, the weight of 20 boys crashed me down.

"Hana!" I tried to push the boys off as they engulfed me in a... I don't even know if I call it a hug or jump.

But I've never been more glad to be jumped on.

"Get up you hooligans! You're crushing her!" Renjun's protective boyfriend side came out as he shooed the others off as I stood up.

"Someone's getting defensive ey-"
"Shut up!" Haechan let out a scream as Renjun threw a handful of snow at him. I laughed half heartedly as I felt a nudge on my side. It was Jisung.

"Missed me?" A sly grin danced on his face before he melted, pulling me into a hug.

"Missed you, partner in crime."

After a minute or so, I patted his back, signaling for him to break off the hug. He grinned, jumping around from one leg to another as Renjun appeared from behind again.

"Got Donghyuck's ass."
"So he wasn't speaking the truth?"
"No- I mean- yes- but-"

I placed a finger on his lip, shushing him instantaneously.

"Shhh, stop lying. You missed me a lot. And so do I." He leant in and lifted a hand, gently brushing down my rosy cheeks with the back of his fingers. I twinkled my eyes as he ran his fingers over my lip, bring it behind my neck. When his lips pressed against mine, a thrilling emotion pulsed through my entire body, warming it up. My legs turned into jelly before his strong arm wrapped my waist into his embrace. We broke off, and I stared into the pools of brown in his eyes. The boys whistled and howled, and I tried to act annoyed but deep inside, I felt glad for their dumbness.

"Please don't leave me again, promise?"
"Promise." He reaches out a pinky and interlocked it with mine. Then he brushed his hand over my neck, picking my necklace up.

"You've been wearing it the whole time?"
"Never took it off.
"How'd you like the song?"
"I'll be your home..." I strained my voice, mimicking his part in the song. His laughter rang out as he squeezed my arm tight.

"Careful Lucas'-"

A small- no medium sized- no heck it, enormous snowball was dunked on Renjun's butt. He shot up like a rocket ship, hand clutching his moist ass.

"-Behind you." I stifled a laugher as Chenle's dolphin laughter rang out again.

Renjun rolled his eyes before turning around to chase after a running Lucas.

God these idiots. My idiots.

Then I felt a strong blow on my own ass. I turned around to see Renjun holding another snowball in position ready to be launched.

"Oh no you don't!"

Soon, all of us were running around like 5 year olds, chasing each other with snowball, or just handfuls of snow.

Soon, I was out of breathe chasing Renjun, our boomer asses decided to just sit down and relax. To enjoy the moment.

I wrapped my hand around Renjun's arm, leaning in, letting my head rest on his shoulder.

I smiled fondly to myself as I watched the boys run around, half running after each other.

"Hana, I love you and you that right?"

I chuckled as Renjun slung his arm over my shoulder, pulling me closer in. His hand travelled up my neck, tracing over the tattoo.

"That's it. All of us were back together now. That's all that matters."

stay tuned for an special epilogue lovelies :D

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