Chapter 19 pt 2: Hit or go?

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NCT was known in the mafia world for every member being superior at their aim. Give anyone a gun and let it be 100 meters or 10 obstacles between, the bullet will, and have never not not, hit the target. Of course, vigorous training was what it took. Every soon-to-be member had to take a training test after their second week of training, which included shooting as a main part of it. Hana was no exception.

Since it was their first female member, everyone had crowded around the basement, all eyes watching intensely as Hana loaded her gun and positioned herself, exactly 100 meters away from the board, exactly where Renjun stood 2 weeks ago.

"Ok Hana. One bullet. Hit or go." She licked her chapped lips and gently placed her finger above the trigger. Cracking her neck nervously, she stared the the red dot on the board. Only then did she realize how small it was.

"Three... two... one..." at the count of one, she pulled the trigger and the loud bang echoed around the basement. All eyes were on him as Renjun calmly walked to the board, checking the bullet's position.

"And... bullseye. Congratulations Hana, welcome to the team." Hana couldn't believe it. She was part of NCT now. She was NCT. Everyone cheered, for Hana, the newest and only girl member of NCT. Before she could shout out in triumph, someone hoisted her up into the air. She looked down and realized Johnny had carried her onto his shoulders.

"Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana! Hana!" Just as Renjun was about to join them in for the fun, his phone rang. For a second he had wanted to decline the call. But when he saw the caller ID, he decided against it.

"Hello Doctor Choi, how's my mum..."

"I'm sorry to inform you but your mother's conditioned just worsened badly. She might not make it ."


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