Chapter 37: Love Talk

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Everyone was silent in the car, not wanting to trigger Renjun even more. They were fully armed, three extra bombs hidden under their bulletproof vests, ready-to-be-activated and thrown at. Something positive they got out of this whole situation was that this was NCT's second mission as a whole, something they haven't done since Xiaojun, Hendery and Yangyang joined; everyone was surprised at how well they had clicked together, all 21 people.

Renjun's clammy hands were wrapped around the trigger of his gun, his mind constantly reminding him not to pull it, just not yet. Despite the warnings from the doctors at the hospital and the members themselves, Renjun insisted on following them to Golden Peasants' building.

With Johnny at the wheel, it was faster than they had expected. Of course, Jaehyun was banned to be driving for a couple of months. He had accidentally knocked down a whole round of barrier around a constructing road. It was the only fast way to a building, the mission needed to be completed faster, as he had tried to explain. Talking about road disruptions...

"Johnny!" Taeyong screeched and the car lurched forward as Johnny slammed down onto to the brakes. Everyone fell forward, into a huge squished up heap.

An ear-piercing whistle.

"Sorry sir but this road is under construction, please take this route instead." Beside him, Renjun heard Jaehyun scoff at the irony. A man holding a shining yellow stick waved it up and down, a plastic whistle hanging from his mouth. Everyone simultaneously groaned as Taeyong rolled down the window, sticking his head out.

"Can we please get through, this is something really urgent." He tried to reason with the man over the deafening sound of the drilling upfront.

"No can do. There is no way, sorry mate." With that, the man adjusted his helmet and turned around. Johnny had no choice but to reverse and turn around, taking an unfamiliar route. Incoherent swearing could be heard as Renjun lowered his head even more, his hands shaking uncontrollably. Taeyong let out a hard cough and silence fell upon the vehicle, the only sound heard was the heavy breathing and vibrating of the vehicle.

"Johnny you sure this is the right way?" Everyone tried to peek out of the window, resulting in multiple heads bumping together. Renjun, who eyes never left the window the whole ride, realised with much alarm that the pavement outside wasn't like those on the streets, heck there was no pavement, just an endless black road. They were on a highway. Johnny halted to a stop yet again.

"What the fuck?" Renjun pushed the members out of the way and himself out of the car. Some members called him back but he merely ignored them.

The sky above them was blue, no more than a few white cotton clouds danced across. Johnny had fished out his phone, trying to pinpoint their position on this highway they have never been on before.

Renjun walked forward slowly, taking huge cautious steps, scanning his eyes around the unfamiliar surroundings. His hand slipped into his pocket, holding on tight onto the smooth surface of the gun. A look of great bitterness swept across his face as realisation settled. He clenched his fists tight and looked back at the 20 faces in the vehicle who seemed to notice the same thing. They had been tricked, this was a trap.

Without warning, Renjun's phone rang. Harshly, he pulled it out and before he could hit the decline button, he realized who the caller was.

"Where the fuck is Hana, Siyeon..."

"Renjun! I'm not her! I'm Hana! Listen!" Her voice was hysterical, yet hoarse as it crackled. Renjun's phone almost slipped from his hand as he heard her voice. It has been only a few days, but damn it felt good to hear her.

"Hana? Where are you, tell me now! Are you safe? Did she do anything to you?"

"Renjun shut up and listen to me."
Her words came out as if her breathe was sucked out of her.

There was silence as Renjun's ears perked up. He could imagine Hana on the other line of the phone, maybe on the verge of tears, like he was. He couldn't imagine what she had gone through, for her to be in such a state. The heavy breathing sounds he heard were making him doubt that she was supposed to have access to Siyeon's phone.

"Renjun, Siyeon got a tracking device on one of you. She sent people to go attack you guys. You need to get away! They are coming from the main road!" There were cracking between her rushed sentences, Renjun concluded that she might have been underground. Well no shit.

"Thank you so much Angel, where are you? How did you get Siyeon's phone?"

"W-What-at.... I-I... can't hear you..."

"Angel be safe please." There was silence on the other end.

"Angel! Hana!"

"Renjun don't worry about me. I'm f..." Her voice was cut off, by the sound of a door being slammed open.

"Bye Renjun, be safe I love you...." Renjun almost couldn't make out what she was saying before a sharp scream interrupted. There was a loud thump, and Renjun let out a scream himself. Instinctively, he took out his gun, pointing at no one in particular. He was choking back tears by now.

More screaming from the other end.

With shaky hands, he tried to press on the end call button but his brain and hand refused to listen to each other.

Another loud whip sound, and the screaming stopped. And Renjun prayed that it wasn't how he thought it was going on.

"Hana? You there?" He asked with a shaky voice, well knowing it wasn't going to be good.

"If you want her back alive, you need to fight your way to her." With that, he heard multiple gunshots from behind and the sounds of cars door opening. NCT jumped out, guns out. A group of men dressed in full black attire ran around them and surrounded them. A whole circle of them. At least 45. Against 21 boys.

Fair enough, Renjun thought to himself as he pressed the trigger, knocking down one of the man.

Phew finally a update

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