Chapter 47: Hold on tight

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Name wandering aroundmy lips
The meaning of this saddream

Hana P.O.V.

A cold breeze blew past as I turned around, recognising the familiar voices. It was them. The tears burst forth like water from a dam, spilling down my face. I felt the muscles of my chin tremble like a small child as my mum, my dad, my brother and Yeorin ran towards me.

Was this an illusion? I questioned myself but when the warmth from their arms spread to me, I knew it wasn't.

Before I can draw in the air my body needs I have already melted into their form. I could feel their firm torso and the heart that beats within. Yeorin's short height that reached just below my chin, my mother, whom I haven't seen since I was 4, was just slightly taller than me. And my tall dad who wrapped my head into his chest. My brother, another giant, slid his arm around my shoulder, just like how we did when we were young. Their hands were folded around my back, drawing me into the circle closer. I could feel my body shake, crying for the missed time we would never make back, crying to release the tension of the long years I lost with my mum, the long months I lost with my father, brother and dear Yeorin.

"I missed you," I choked up. For a second we broke away from the hug, and I saw the soft smile that painted their mouths.

"We missed you too Hana," My mum stepped forward and ruffled my hair, parting it down in the middle gently.

"You've grown so much, the last time I saw you, you were still a little kid." I saw my dad tense up but he relaxed when his wife gave him a short side-hug.

"Everything's over now, everyone's forgiven." My lisp trembled again at my brother's soft voice.

"A-am I dead? Now that I see you guys," Something clicked inside me and I asked, cautiously looking around.

Their smiles stiffened as Yeorin stepped forward, wrapping her hands around mine.

"Technically, you are almost, in the real world. But there is one more stage left. And this is your life decision." No, no. My mind wandered to a thought buried back in my brain.

"I know you must be confused. To confirm, we are real. But this is a dream to you. And in this dream of your's, you have a choice." My father continued.

"You, and we, don't have much time left in this dream."

I wanted to protest at his statement. I missed them. I want to be with them. I need them in my life. My parents. My best friend.

"Two choices. You can follow us, at the same time, dying in the real world, losing everything there. We would never leave each other, this dream would last forever. The other choice. You leave us, don't follow us. You stay alive in the real world. But there would be consequences. And you would never see us again. And you have 1 minute to make that decision. If you choose to follow us, grab onto my hand."

For perhaps a split second my happiness was suspended, the surprise protecting me until it shattered like glass. I guess you could call it shock, but to me, they were the same thing for the first fraction of a second, an inability to compute.

"No, this isn't real-"

"I'm sorry Hana, this is." The 4 figures flickered, fading a little by a little. I looked up and realised a shadow was slowly casting over our heads.

"Please, no, I can't," I whispered, looking hopefully at my best friend, but all that was returned was a pained smile.

In the real world, awaiting me was 21 men who wanted me alive. One of them hopefully waiting for me. The one that changed me, saved me, loved me. In this dream, was 4 people that mean the most to me. The people I wanted to reunite with. And I had the chance to.

"10... 9... 8..." I shut my eyes tight, letting my thoughts flow away from me, feeling the hollowness take over.

"7... 6... 5..."

"4... 3..." I snapped my eyes open, trying my best to remember this vision of my family and Yeorin, all the details, all their faces. Hesitating a second before reaching out a shaky arm...

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